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Official MCAT Scores

Sending Your Official MCAT Scores to AACOMAS

On or after May 6, 2024, you must request that all MCAT scores be sent to AACOMAS for the 2024-2025 application cycle. If you sent your scores to AACOMAS in a previous cycle, you must re-send them.

  1. If you took or registered to take the MCAT exam, enter your AAMC ID number in the MCAT Scores section of the Other Information page. Additionally, enter your date of birth in the Biographic Information section. You must list this information before your official scores can be matched to your application.
  2. Go to AAMC and request your scores be released to AACOMAS. Check with AAMC about their turnaround and processing times.
  3. After AAMC processing, scores are sent to AACOMAS in batches and then posted to applications daily. You can view scores attached to your application in the Standardized Tests section of the Check Status tab.

Missing Test Scores

It is your responsibility to request MCAT scores be sent to AACOMAS and follow up on any missing MCAT scores in a timely manner.

If your scores are not posted at least five weeks after your test date, contact AAMC to confirm that your MCAT scores were sent to AACOMAS on or after May 6, 2024. Scores sent in previous application cycles will not be posted to your application. If you confirmed that AAMC sent your scores to AACOMAS, then contact customer service for additional support.


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