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Additional Graduate Program Info

Current Graduate Program Information

Enter information about your current graduate program.

  1. Select your current graduate program's location.
  2. Select the state or province.
  3. Select your current university.
  4. Select your current graduate information. 
  5. Enter the department name.
  6. Enter the college name (e.g., College of Arts and Sciences).
  7. Select the designated subfield of your doctoral program in Psychology.
  8. Indicate whether you earned or are in the process of earning a Master's Degree in any field at your current university.
  9. Select the degree you are seeking.
  10. Enter your cumulative GPA.

Doctoral Training Information

Enter information about your program's doctoral training and your dissertation/research.

  1. Enter your dissertation/research title or topic.
  2. Select the type of research involved.
  3. If no dissertation is required, describe the status of any major projects (if applicable).

Dissertation/Doctoral Research Advisor

Enter information about your dissertation/doctoral research advisor.

  1. Enter your Dissertation or Doctoral Research Advisor's name.
  2. Enter your Dissertation Co-Chair/Reader.
  3. Enter your Dissertation or Doctoral Research Advisor's contact information.


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