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Presentations and Publications


Enter the number of professional poster or oral presentations you have delivered at regional, state, national, or international meetings or conferences. You can include presentations that involved other presenters, regardless of the order in which your name appeared in the conference announcement. Additionally, you can include presentations that have been accepted for upcoming conferences. Presentations in preparation or submitted for review should not be included in the tally.

Complete citation of each presentation should be listed in APA format on your CV.


Enter the number of articles you have published in refereed journals (i.e., publications where articles are evaluated or "refereed" by individuals who are considered to be experts in the area of study) and the number of books or book chapters you have authored. Articles or chapters that were co-authored can be listed in this section, regardless of the order in which your name appears. You can include publications that are either published, e-pub ahead of print, or in press. Publications in preparation or submitted for review should not be included in the tally.

Complete citation of each article, book, or book chapter should be listed in APA format on your CV.


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