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Match Information


The Postdoctoral Dental Matching Program (the "Match") is used by many advanced dental education programs to determine the final placement of applicants into positions after all applications are submitted and interviews complete. The Match is a separate and distinct service from ADEA PASS and it is administered by a different organization, National Match Service, Inc.

Participating Programs

You must register for the Match to obtain a position at any program that participates in the Match. Registration for and participation in the Match is independent of ADEA PASS.

The following types of postdoctoral dental education programs participate in the Match:

  • Advanced Education in General Dentistry (AEGD)
  • US General Practice Residency (GPR)
  • Canadian General Practice Residency (GPR-CAN)
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS)
  • Orthodontics (ORTHO)
  • Pediatric Dentistry (PED)
  • Periodontics (PERIO)
  • Prosthodontics (PROS)
  • Dental Anesthesiology (ANES)

Check with each program to determine whether or not it participates in the Match. A list of participating programs will also be available on the Match website beginning in August.

Registering for the Match

If you are applying to a program that participates in the Match, be sure to fully review the registration and participation information on the Dental Match website. We recommend that you register for the Match by the end of September.

If you register for the Match, add your Match Code Number to your ADEA PASS application. Programs will use your Match Code Number to identify you when they are selecting their applicant choices for the Match.


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