Application Status Dashboards
Application Status Dashboards provide you with a visual representation of the number of applicants in each post-submission application status. Post-submissions application statuses include:
- Received
- Complete
- Verified
- Undelivered
- On Hold
Working with and Downloading Data
As you review the following dashboards, refer to the Working with Dashboard Data page for specific information on:
- Using filters to narrow your data.
- Viewing tooltips to better understand your data.
- Viewing and downloading the raw data so you can work with it outside of Analytics by Liaison.
Submitted Designations by Application Status
The Submitted Designations by Application Status dashboard provides you with a visual representation of the number of submitted designations (i.e., applications that have been paid for and submitted) in each post-submission application status in use by the CAS.
Note: this dashboard is available to Organization Administrators and Organization Report Users.