Upload Documents

If your program uses this activity, you can use it to upload required and optional documents. 

Note that you must complete the activity by 11:59 PM on the date listed under Upload By. All deadlines are Eastern Time. If no date is listed, check with the program.

  1. Click Upload Docs
  2. Review any program-specific instructions or requirements listed at the top of the page. 
  3. Click Add Document.
  4. Click Choose File
  5. Locate and select your file. The maximum document upload file size is 15 MB.
  6. Click Upload This Document
  7. Add more documents as needed. Then, click I'm Done Uploading Documents at the bottom of the page to submit your documents. Make sure that you have uploaded all required documents before you click I'm Done Uploading Documents. Once you submit your documents, you cannot make any changes, upload additional documents, or delete uploaded documents.