Applicant Gateway


Available to select CASs, the Applicant Gateway is a portal where applicants can complete the following admissions-related activities:

Programs can select which activities to enable for applicants. Once they configure activities, they can determine at which point in the admissions process each activity becomes available to each applicant via WebAdMIT.

Learn more in the Applicant Gateway guide.

Resetting Activities to Draft

If a program has an activity activated, but applicants have not used or completed it, you can reset the activity to draft status.

Note that this Reset to Draft button appears for all activities except for prerequisites and competencies.

  1. Log in to WebAdMIT.
  2. Click CAS Configuration Portal under the Administration panel.
  3. Click the desired CAS name, cycle, and program.
  4. Click the Applicant Gateway tab.
  5. Click the double arrows to the far right of the program row, or hover over the program and click Edit Details.
  6. Click App Gateway Editor in the top navigation.
  7. Click on the activity name.
  8. Click the Reset to Draft button.