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Application Completion Rules

CAS Selection

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Application Completion Rules

This page summarizes all of the available requirements for an application to become complete. For CASs that use verification, they will not enter the verification queue until they are in a Complete status. For other CASs, Complete status may impact review workflows, local status setup, or other CAS-specific processes. 


# Rule Set Rule Name Rule Type Rule Description
1 Payment - - -
1.1. Payment Payment Submitted CAS The applicant has paid for their designation.
2 US/Canadian Transcripts   - -
2.1. US/Canadian Transcripts Official Transcripts CAS The applicant must provide an official transcript for each US/Canadian school listed in their application.
2.2. US/Canadian Transcripts Official Transcripts for Specific Degrees CAS The applicant must provide an official transcript for each US/Canadian school listed in their application from which an applicant has list a defined set of degrees.  US/Canadian schools that do not have a degree from the set do not require a transcript.
2.3. US/Canadian Transcripts Unofficial Transcripts CAS The applicant must provide an unofficial transcript for each US/Canadian school listed in their application.
2.4. US/Canadian Transcripts None CAS The applicant is not required to provide any transcripts for each US/Canadian school listed in their application.
2.5. US/Canadian Transcripts Programs Select Program Programs select which US/Canadian transcript rule to apply to their applicants.  All three options listed below are shown for each program.


US/Canadian Transcripts Programs Select:
Official Transcripts Sent to CAS
Program The applicant must provide an official transcript for each US/Canadian school listed in their application.


US/Canadian Transcripts Programs Select:
Applicant Uploaded Unofficial Transcripts
Program The applicant must provide an unofficial transcript for each US/Canadian school listed in their application.


US/Canadian Transcripts Programs Select:
Applicant Uploaded No Transcripts Required
Program The applicant is not required to provide any transcripts for each US/Canadian school listed in their application.
3 Foreign Transcripts/
Foreign Evaluations
- - -
3.1. Foreign Transcripts/
Foreign Evaluations
Official Foreign Evaluations CAS If the applicant adds at least one Foreign College, then the applicant must have at least one official foreign evaluation.
3.2. Foreign Transcripts/
Foreign Evaluations
Unofficial Foreign Evaluations CAS If the applicant adds at least one Foreign College, then the applicant must have at least one unofficial foreign evaluation.
3.3. Foreign Transcripts/
Foreign Evaluations
Official or Unofficial Foreign Evaluations CAS If the applicant adds at least one Foreign College, then the applicant must have at least one official or unofficial foreign evaluation.
3.4. Foreign Transcripts/
Foreign Evaluations
None CAS The applicant is not required to have any transcripts or foreign evaluations for any Foreign Colleges listed in their application.
3.5. Foreign Transcripts/
Foreign Evaluations
Programs Select Program Programs select which Foreign Evaluation/Transcript rule to apply to their applicants.  Options shown to programs vary by settings in AppBuilder, so that a CAS may offer  any combination of the options below.  Note that programs always have the option for None.


Foreign Transcripts/
Foreign Evaluations
Programs Select: Official Foreign Evaluations Program The applicant must have an Official Foreign Evaluation for each Foreign College listed.


Foreign Transcripts/
Foreign Evaluations
Programs Select: Applicant Uploaded Foreign Evaluations Program The applicant must have an Unofficial Foreign Evaluation for each Foreign College listed.


Foreign Transcripts/
Foreign Evaluations
Programs Select:  Official Foreign Transcripts Program The applicant must have an Official Transcript for each Foreign College listed.


Foreign Transcripts/
Foreign Evaluations
Programs Select:  Applicant Uploaded Foreign Transcripts Program The applicant must upload an Unofficial Transcript for each Foreign College listed.


Foreign Transcripts/
Foreign Evaluations
Programs Select:  Applicant Uploaded Foreign Transcripts Program No foreign evaluations or transcripts are required.
4 High School Transcripts - - -
4.1. High School Transcripts No High School Transcript Required CAS The applicant is not required to have a transcript scanned for each High School listed.
4.2. High School Transcripts High School Transcripts Required. CAS The applicant is required to have a transcript scanned for each High School listed.
4.3. High School Transcripts Programs Select Program Programs select which High School Transcript Rule to enable.


High School Transcripts Programs Select: No High School Transcript Required. Program The applicant is not required to have a transcript scanned for each High School listed.


High School Transcripts Programs Select: High School Transcripts Required. CAS The applicant is required to have a transcript scanned for each High School listed.
5 Evaluations - - -
5.1. Evaluations "X" evaluations required. CAS The applicant must have "X" number of completed evaluations.
5.2. Evaluations No evaluations required. CAS The applicant does not need to have any evaluations completed.
5.3. Evaluations Programs Select Program Programs select how many evaluations are required.


Evaluations Programs Select: "X" Evaluations Required Program The applicant must have "X" number of completed evaluations.


Evaluations Programs Select: "X" Evaluations Required Program The applicant does not need to have any evaluations completed.
6 Professional Transcript Entry - - -
6.1. Professional Transcript Entry CAS Does Not Use Professional Transcript Entry CAS Professional Transcript Entry does not affect complete status.
6.2. Professional Transcript Entry CAS Uses Professional Transcript Entry CAS Applicants that participate in Professional Transcript Entry must have their Transcript Entry "Approved".



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