CSDCAS Professional Code of Conduct
In accordance with the ideals and principles of the professions of speech-language pathology and audiology, applicants to graduate communication science and disorders (CSD; speech-language pathology and audiology) programs are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner that demonstrates responsibility, integrity, honesty, respect, and good judgment. The Professional Code of Conduct provides a defined set of guidelines for applicant responsibilities and expected standards of performance and behavior.
Professional Code of Conduct
As an applicant to CSD programs, I pledge to:
- Act with honesty and integrity throughout the admissions process when interacting with school admissions officers, admissions committees, and CSDCAS staff. Each applicant is obligated to accurately represent themselves during the admissions process and to provide CSDCAS and the CSD programs with accurate, honest, and complete information. Applicants must not falsify information, including but not limited to falsifying transcripts or letters of recommendation, plagiarizing personal statements, and misrepresenting academic and professional achievement. Applicants must identify themselves correctly to all admissions and CSDCAS staff and should not inquire about an application claiming to be someone else. In addition, applicants must reveal information about any previous legal offenses.
- Communicate in a professional manner throughout the admissions process when interacting with CSDCAS staff and the admissions staff at designated CSD programs. The applicant should use the highest professional courtesy when interacting with CSDCAS and CSD admissions staff. It is unacceptable for an applicant to disparage the competence, knowledge, qualifications, or services of faculty and staff involved in the admissions process. It is inappropriate to imply in word, gesture, or deed that an application has been poorly managed or the applicant mistreated by a staff member without tangible evidence. Offensive or threatening comments via e-mail or voice mail messages or any other form of verbal or nonverbal communication will not be tolerated. CSDCAS and CSD admissions staff reserve the right to terminate any conversation should the staff member feel threatened. The use of foul language will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
- Be responsible and accountable for my actions and personally manage and respond to all matters related to my application. Applicants to professions of speech-language pathology and audiology must demonstrate responsibility by taking ownership of all aspects related to the application process. Applicants are expected to review the application requirements of CSDCAS and the requirements of the CSD programs to which they apply. It is the applicant’s responsibility to meet deadlines, provide information as requested, and follow the admissions process for each CSD program to which they apply. Applicants are also responsible for promptly correcting any errors or omissions identified in their file and for responding to all notifications in a timely manner. If an applicant has a question about the admissions process after exhausting all available online and printed resources, the applicant should contact CSDCAS or the appropriate CSD program’s admissions office directly for clarification. CSDCAS and admissions staff will NOT discuss an application with an applicant’s parent, spouse, relative, friend, or employer regardless of who submits the fee payment. The CSDCAS fee payment does not relieve applicants of the obligation to properly submit all requested data and application materials by the deadline. Applicants who have not been accepted may consult CSD program admissions staff to learn how they may correct deficiencies in their application or academic performance or seek to learn more about admissions criteria for schools to which they may apply, but should remain respectful of decisions made by those involved in the admissions process.
Violation Policy
Misconduct, as defined in the Professional Code of Conduct, and all forms of dishonesty, will not be tolerated during the application process. The CSDCAS Advisory Committee, a committee of the Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders (CAPCSD), will determine whether an applicant has violated the Professional Code of Conduct and whether sanctions should be imposed. Sanctions imposed can include, but are not limited to:
- Revocation of application
- Sharing documented conduct violations with the CSDCAS participating program(s) to which the applicant has applied
- Sharing documented conduct violations with all CSDCAS participating programs
- Loss of privilege of applying to CSDCAS participating programs for set period of time or indefinitely
In the event of a Violation of this Professional Code of Conduct, an applicant will receive notification from the CSDCAS Advisory Committee by U.S. certified mail at the address on file for the applicant that s/he has violated the Professional Code of Conduct. A copy of the notification will be delivered via electronic mail at the address on file for applicant. The notification will specify the conduct that has been violated and the sanctions that are to be imposed. The applicant will have ten (10) business days after the CSDCAS Advisory Board mails/e-mails its notification to submit an appeal. Any appeal must be sent via certified US mail to the CSDCAS Advisory committee at the following address: P.O. Box 929, Indian Hills, CO 80454-0929. The appeal must directly address the conduct violations that have been identified and should include any supporting documentation deemed necessary in support of the appeal.
The evidence provided in the applicant’s appeal will be reviewed by the CSDCAS Advisory Committee, who will either:
(a) uphold the original sanctions
(b) revise the sanctions
(c) repeal some or all of the sanctions
The decision will be sent to the applicant via electronic email and certified U.S. mail. The applicant may appeal the CSDCAS Advisory Committee’s decision on appeal to the CAPCSD Executive Board. Any such appeal must be mailed within ten (10) business days after CSDCAS Advisory Committee’s decision is mailed/e-mailed and must be delivered via certified U.S. mail to the CAPCSD Executive Board at the following address: P.O. Box 929, Indian Hills, CO 80454-0929. The appeal must directly address the conduct violations that have been identified and should include any supporting documentation deemed necessary in support of the appeal. The appeals committee of the CAPCSD Executive Board will decide to (a) uphold the original sanctions, (b) revise the sanctions, or (c) repeal some or all of the sanctions. The decision will be sent to the applicant via certified U.S. mail and electronic mail. The decision by the CAPCSD Executive Board will be final.