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Personal Information


You can update your personal and contact information on the Personal Information page. To access, click the user profile icon in the Navigation Menu.

Personal Information

Enter or update your name, including any titles or suffixes.

Alternate Name

Enter an alternate name by clicking the plus sign next to the First Name and Last Name fields.

Preferred Name

If you commonly use a preferred name that differs from your legal name, enter your preferred name.

Date of Birth

Enter your date of birth, using the drop-downs and numeric fields. Make sure you enter your date of birth correctly; failure to do so could cause significant delays with matching documentation and test scores.

Contact Information

Enter or update your email address and phone number(s). Click the plus signs to add additional email addresses and phone numbers.

Current and Permanent Address

Enter your current and permanent mailing addresses by clicking Add Address. Enter the address where you want to receive mail correspondence. Be sure to keep this section up-to-date as you complete and submit your TSP agreement.

Note: to ensure applicants are entering consistent data for some questions, this application uses pre-populated answer options that are maintained by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). For example, country answer options are derived from ISO 3166, which is the international standard for country codes and codes for their subdivisions.

If you don’t have a mailing address, you can list the address of a relative or friend, with their permission. If you find more permanent housing in the future, please update it in your application and with the program you applied to.


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