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Parent/Guardian Information (Undergraduate Only)

This section only applies to undergraduate applicants.

In this section, you can opt to enter demographic information about your parent(s) or guardian(s), including where they reside, their level of education, current occupation, and role within your household. If you are a dependent, you must list at least one parent or guardian.

If you do not want to add a parent/guardian, click I Am Not Adding Any Parent/Guardian. Note that if you do not add this information, your admission decision may be delayed and the campus(es) to which you apply may request additional information.

Add a Parent/Guardian

  1. Click Add a Parent/Guardian.
  2. Enter their first and last names.
  3. Select the relationship between you and your parent/guardian.
  4. Select their residency information.
  5. Enter their mailing address.
  6. Enter their contact information. These questions are optional.
  7. Select whether you authorize the admissions office to communicate with your parent/guardian about your application.
  8. Select whether you authorize your parent/guardian to receive communications from the university, such as new student and housing information, parent activities, volunteer/charitable opportunities, and general campus information.
  9. Click Save and Continue.
  10. Add additional parents/guardians, as needed.

After you submit the application, you can add more parents/guardians, but you cannot edit any that you already added.


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