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Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT Transfer Only)

This section applies to Associate Degree for Transfer (AA-T, AS-T) applicants.

Applicants who identify in their Extended Profile that they are "Transferring with an Associate Degree for Transfer (AA-T, AS-T) awarded by a California Community College" are required to provide additional information. If you are not completing this degree before the term you are applying for, go to your Extended Profile and update your educational status selection under Degree Goal.

Enter ADT Information

  1. Review the California Community College and ADT program information that is highlighted in gray. This information is what you selected in your Extended Profile. If this is incorrect, return to the Extended Profile to update and save. Then return to this section to complete the other questions. You can only declare one AA-T or AS-T program in your application. If you have or are completing additional programs, you should select the program that is similar to the Cal State Apply programs to which you are applying.
  2. Enter your Campus Student ID Number. This is your community college student ID.
  3. Enter your California Community College ID, if applicable. A CCCID is a unique student identifier generated when a student creates an OpenCCC account. Most students get their CCCIDs when they first apply to a California Community College using the CCCApply admission application. You may find this ID on your official college transcript or by logging in to your CCCApply account.
  4. Select the date you completed or will complete your AA-T or AS-T degree.

Note: contact your community college counselor for assistance with confirming your awarded associate degree. If your degree date is before fall 2011, you did not earn an AA-T or AS-T degree.

ADT is missing from Cal State Apply

If your Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) major is missing from the ADT Program drop-down in the Extended Profile page, review the following steps:

  1. Confirm you are earning or earned an AA-T or AS-T degree for your major and not a standard AA or AS degree. If necessary, contact your community college to confirm the degree type, or visit the Associate Degree for Transfer Major & Campus Search page to search ADT and CSU degree similarity.
  2. If your ADT major is correct and is missing from the ADT Program drop-down, then select another subject-related ADT major at your California community college. By doing this, you’ll be identified as an ADT applicant. Additionally, your ADT data will be included in the CSU eVerify process if your application is submitted during the priority filing period. By selecting a different ADT major, the application cannot validate the alternate major; you may receive a warning message for this.
  3. In the Colleges Attended page, select your correct ADT degree and major. This information does not override the information you entered on the Extended Profile page, nor is it used in the CSU eVerify process.
  4. Once you submit your application, contact your campus’s admission office via email and report your correct ADT major. Be sure to include your Cal State Apply ID, name, and the email that you used for the application. Your CSU campus will update your degree information in their records; it cannot be changed in the Cal State Apply application.
  5. Your community college verifies degree information on the CSU eVerify site during these time periods: January to mid-March for Fall admission and mid-September to October for Spring Admission. To have the missing ADT program verified, you must request a paper verification form with the correct ADT major from your community college and submit it to the admissions office for each campus you applied to during the applicable period. Your community college can update the verified status to Verification Provided to Student in eVerify.


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