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Monitor Your Students

This page applies to Compact2Learn institutional administrators.

You can view and monitor students who have linked their accounts to your program. You can also run student progress reports.

View Student Details

Your students are listed on the Students tab. Your students' status, which is listed here as well, refers to their account status:

  • Active: the student has a paid Compact2Learn subscription, using your program's authorization key.
  • Expired: the student's Compact2Learn subscription has ended.
  • Pending: the student is using a free trial of Compact2Learn.

If you offered an authorization key to a student and they haven't applied it to their account, they can be listed in the Pending status. Direct them to the Compact2Learn Student help center for more information on activating their account with an authorization key.

  1. Click Students.
  2. Click List.
  3. Use the filter options to narrow your list of students, if needed.
  4. Under the Name column, click the student's name.
  5. Select the student overview or a report type. See definitions below.
  6. Under Date Range, limit your report to include activities within a certain date range.
  7. Under Experience, select the student's experiences.
  8. If you select Approved Hours Only, then your report is limited to only activities approved by you, the supervisor.
  9. Click Filter, if needed.
  10. Click Print Signature Page to print the report details.

Report Types

Review the report type descriptions below to learn which types of activities (e.g., unconfirmed, confirmed, scheduled, etc.) and activity information are included in each report.

Student Overview

This page includes your student's details, including their Compact2Learn registration and expiration date, earliest activity, most recent activity, number of activities, and cumulative hours. You can also enter or update your student's cohort and college or university student ID.

When students create a Compact2Learn account, their cohort is automatically assigned to the year they created an account. For example, if a student created their Compact2Learn account in 2021, their cohort is 2021.

If needed, you can change a student's cohort. For example, if you want to group students by when they enter your program (e.g., January cohort versus August cohort), you can enter 202101 (i.e., 2021-01) for your January cohort and 202108 (i.e., 2021-08) for your August cohort. Note that you can only enter numbers in the Cohort field.

Additionally, if desired, you can add or update a student's college or university student ID. Students can enter this data when they create or update their account.

  1. Click Students.
  2. Click the student's name.
  3. If desired, enter a new cohort.
  4. If desired, enter or update a student's student ID.

Activity Summary Report

This report includes a detailed view of all your student's confirmed activities, including graphs for their activities based on time, domain (i.e., activity), location type, and experience. If a student tracks assessment totals, these are also included.

Activity Details Report

This report lists all your student's activities, with activity type totals. Select the default statuses, approval statuses, and date range for a basic filter, or click Advanced Filters for additional filters.

Run Student Reports 

You can extract your student information as a CSV file.

  1. Click Students.
  2. Click List.
  3. Use the filter options to narrow your list of students, if needed.
  4. Click Download CSV.

​​​​​​View Student Hours

You can also view the overall total activities for your students.

  1. Click Students.
  2. Click Hours.
  3. Use the filter options to narrow your list of students, if needed.


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