Funnel Charts


Funnel Charts display the most critical metrics for admissions offices. This reporting tool is used to generate both current and point-in-time results. Point-in-time reporting displays a historical view that compares numbers for the current entry year to numbers in previous years.

Creating a Funnel Chart

  1. From the top navigation bar, click Analytics, then Funnel Charts.
  2. Click New Funnel Chart.
  3. Complete the required prompts and Save.
    • When selecting the Cumulative stage totals, consider the following options:
      • Do not add stage totals: review current data.
      • Empirical: track the stages reached by students. For example, you do not want your stealth applicants counted as inquiries or prospects.
      • Inferred: review data assuming every student went through the full enrollment funnel.

Funnel Chart Prompts.