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Release 1 - January 2023

New Enhancements & Features

Clean data is accurate data, which helps you reach the right students.


Have you ever had any of the following questions or problems?

  • Why are some of my student's field values in EMP formatted incorrectly?

  • My Student Information System (SIS) won't allow me to send data the way that I want to send data to EMP.

  • I can't utilize data from my SIS to target students in EMP campaigns the way that I want to set them up.

You are in luck! EMP has heard these problems and is excited to announce a solution that requires zero work for you. You don't have to worry about fitting your SIS data to certain formats anymore. It is not easy to send data to EMP in the exact format you need, for every field type, every time you send a file over. This makes the data that is in EMP not as accurate as it could be. Subsequently, you are not reaching all of the students that you want to reach.


When EMPs data validation launches (early January 2023), EMP will automatically inspect all active field values in the system. All of the field values that fit the requirements for their respective field types will not get altered.

If there are field values that do not fit the requirements of their respective field types, the value will get replaced with a blank.

The only time EMP will replace your field values with an entirely new (nonblank) value is the 4.0 GPA scale. If an "A+" gets imported, EMP will automatically convert this to a "4.0".


During the import process, EMP will inspect your file for all field values that do not fit the requirements of their respective field types. Below, we have outlined what types of validation EMP will do for field types:

Field Type


Acceptable Value(s)

GPA on 4.0 Scale

EMP will use the College Board's guidelines to convert letter grade and percent grades to the 4.0 scale.


EMP realizes that clients may use an Unweighted GPA (up to 5.0), so we also will accept values up to 5.0.


All miscellaneous values such as "NA" will be converted to blanks.

3.5, 2.7, 4.2, 5.0

SAT Score

EMP will only accept values from 400-2400.


All values outside of this range will have blanks.


All miscellaneous values such as "NA" will be converted to blanks.

2150, 1670, 2400

ACT Score

EMP will only accept values from 1-36.


All values outside of this range will have blanks.


All miscellaneous values such as "NA" will be converted to blanks.

27, 36, 1

Phone Number

EMP will validate country codes, area codes, and formats to ensure we are only importing phone numbers.


All miscellaneous values such as "NA" will be converted to blanks.



EMP will only accept numerical values.


We validate if there is a number in the field value.

If there are text characters in the field value such as commas, periods or percentages, EMP will strip them out and leave jut the number.


All miscellaneous values such as "NA" will be converted to blanks.

99.99%, 13.00, 4,000


EMP will only accept an email that is properly formatted and has a valid email domain.


Values such as "test 34", "test@gmail", and" will be converted to blanks.,,,,



EMP will check to ensure that the URL field value is an HTTP or HTTPS URL.


All miscellaneous values such as "NA" will be converted to blanks.,

Zip code

EMP will first check to verify if the zip code is international or from the USA.


If it is international, EMP will allow for text characters in the zip. If it is a USA zip code, only numbers will be allowed.


All miscellaneous values such as "NA" will be converted to blanks.












(Already has existed)

EMP automatically checks to see if the value is a valid USA State name or State Code.



NY, New York


(Already has existed)

EMP automatically checks to see if the value is a valid Country name or Country code.

United States of America, USA, China, CN, Canada, CA

Social Security Number

EMP will validate if the social security number is in the correct format.


All text and miscellaneous values such as "NA" will be converted to blanks.


Date and Date of Birth

(Already has existed)

EMP will validate if dates are in an acceptable date format.


All miscellaneous values such as "NA" will be converted to blanks.

August 1st, 2023, 8/1/23, 08/01/2023


Text, Paragraph and Unique Student Identifier

EMP will accept all values in these field types.

X123#12%4, 123, Test

High School and College

(Already has existed)

EMP will validate the field values to confirm if they are valid CEEB codes.


All invalid or miscellaneous values such as "NA" will be converted to blanks.

12345, 00456

Single Select, Multi Select, Checkbox, Radio Button

(Already has existed)

EMP will add new options if the flag in the import is set. Otherwise if it’s not an existing option then it will skip the value and have a blank.

Test, Inquiry, Math, 123

Reach out to your CSM team if you have any questions about any of the field types on this list or if you have concerns about your data getting validated!

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