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What is Data Integration?

Data Integration takes records from one system and moves them to another. In the context of Liaison and higher education admissions, we're talking about moving person and application records, and sometimes application documents, from Liaison's platform to your local systems.


While each software platform has its own tools and requirements, the general features of each data integration are the same. A data integration has eight elements, as shown below.


This help center provides specific guidance on each of those elements, as well as guidance on the data integration project as a whole. Keep in mind these common terms:

  • Student Information Systems (SIS)
  • Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERPs)
  • Customer Relationship Management systems (CRMs)
  • Document Management Systems (DMSs)

Overview of CAS Data Integration

A CAS data integration supports your business needs and moves CAS data and documents into your other systems on campus. Liaison provides tools to extract the data in industry standard formats and automate the integration (CAS API or WebAdMIT API/SFTP delivery). Once extracted, the data is run through an ETL process, which may include a third-party middleware, and imported to the target system.

Liaison's CAS Integration Consulting Services

With our CAS Integration Consulting services, Liaison can supplement your team on these projects. Our team provides project management and consulting services to guide you in making the best decisions to support your business processes. Your team fully builds and tests the integration. To take advantage of this service, contact your Client Success or Account Director.


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