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Othot to TargetX Integration

Complete Prerequisite Tasks

  1. Ensure you have a recently refreshed full or partial Salesforce sandbox for testing the integration. 
  2. Create the following new folders on your Informatica server in your existing Informatica directory:

    Windows (i.e., C:\Informatica\):
  • \OTHOT
  • \OTHOT\dropbox
  • \OTHOT\dropbox\downloadedFiles
  • \OTHOT\dropbox\downloadedFiles\archive

Linux (i.e., /opt/informatica/):

  • /OTHOT
  • /OTHOT/dropbox
  • /OTHOT/dropbox/downloadedFiles
  • /OTHOT/dropbox/downloadedFiles/archive
  1. Submit a TargetX Support case via the User Community and request Informatica assets be migrated to your org.
  2. Access the Othot → TargetX Data Mapping worksheet and download as follows: 
    • Click
    • Select Export
    • Select the export file type (e.g., Export to Microsoft Excel)

Note: for Informatica resources, access the Informatica knowledgebase.

Configure Informatica Assets

Once our support team migrates Informatica assets to your org, you can configure the following: 


Configuration Steps

TargetX Integration-OTHOT SFTP

  • Update Target File Directory to path for downloaded Files folder
  • Update PassKey1 (enter SFTP password if using username/password authentication; leave blank if using public/private key authentication)

TargetX Integration-OTHOT FlatFile

Update Directory to path for Othot dropbox folder


Data Synchronizations / Mappings / Mapping Tasks

Configuration Steps

Othot SFTP Get

  • Update Data Filter SFTP_User_ID with SFTP username
  • If using public/private key authentication, add Data Filter SFTP_SSH2_KeyFile with key file path and remove Data Filter SFTP_Password


  • Update lkp_AcademicPeriod Lookup Object Connection to Salesforce sandbox connection for testing
  • Update Prediction Target Connection to Salesforce sandbox connection for testing


Update Prescription Target Connection to Salesforce sandbox connection for testing

Othot Prescription Task

Update Post-Processing Command for Windows or Linux and update paths for downloaded Files and archive folders


if not exist C:\Informatica\OTHOT\dropbox\downloadedFiles\archive\^"%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~7,2%^" md C:\Informatica\OTHOT\dropbox\downloadedFiles\archive\^"%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~7,2%^" && MOVE C:\Informatica\OTHOT\dropbox\downloadedFiles\*.json C:\Informatica\OTHOT\dropbox\downloadedFiles\archive\^"%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~7,2%^"


mkdir -p /opt/informatica/OTHOT/dropbox/downloadedFiles/archive/$(date +%Y%m%d) && mv /opt/informatica/OTHOT/dropbox/downloadedFiles/*.json /opt/informatica/OTHOT/dropbox/downloadedFiles/archive/$(date +%Y%m%d)/

Test the Integration

  1. Run Othot-TargetX Taskflow in Informatica. 
    • Confirm files are retrieved from the SFTP, data is loaded to your Salesforce sandbox, and files are archived. 
    • Resolve any errors that occur. If you receive an INVALID_CROSS_REFERENCE_KEY error, this indicates the Contact ID could not be found. If you're testing with a partial sandbox or Othot has received new contacts from your production org that do not exist in the sandbox, you can ignore the error. Review the error rows file from the task in Informatica to confirm. If necessary, re-run the taskflow in Informatica until all errors are resolved. 
  2. Validate the data in your Salesforce sandbox. 
    • If necessary, make changes to the Informatica mappings, then re-run the taskflow in Informatica and re-validate the data until all issues are resolved. 

Schedule the Integration

  1. Othot will schedule delivery of prediction and prescriptions output files to your SFTP account. This step may be completed when Othot initially configures the export; otherwise, you can reach out to our support team or a member of your account team for assistance.  
  2. Update your mapping connections from Salesforce sandbox to Salesforce production. 
  3. Run taskflow in Informatica.
  4. Confirm taskflow ran successfully without errors and validate data.
  5. Schedule the Informatica taskflow to run daily based on the schedule of file delivery to the SFTP.
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