Verify Observation Hours

Some CASs allow applicants to have their observation hours reviewed and verified by supervisors in Liaison Letters. If you receive a request to verify observation hours, review the steps below.

Locate Observation Hours Requests

All your observation hours requests appear on the Requests page. If you receive recommendation requests, they are listed here as well. You can view what each type of request is under the Type field.

Use the filters on the left to sort the requests and view more or less of their details. Requests are categorized and color-coded by current status:

Review the Observation Hours Request

To begin your observation hours verification, click the Start button next to the applicant's name on the Requests page. Review the information provided by the applicant on the left-hand side of the page:

Be sure to also review any notes from the applicant at the top of the page which may contain specific instructions.

Verify the Observation Hours

Review the observation hours details, including the facility information, experience details, and patient diagnoses/populations observed. Then, confirm that the inpatient, outpatient, and non-clinical settings completed and planned/in progress hours are correct. If there are any issues, contact the applicant directly so they can correct their observation hours and re-send it for approval.

Submit Your Observation Hours Verification

Indicate that you reviewed and verified the observation hours entered by the applicant. Then, enter your contact information. If applicable, enter your license number and the state/province where your license is held in.

Click Submit to submit your observation hours verification.