To begin your recommendation, click the Start button next to the applicant's name on the Requests page. Review the information provided by the applicant on the left-hand side of the page:
Be sure to also review any notes from the applicant at the top of the page which may contain specific instructions.
Depending on the program(s) the applicant is applying to, you may be prompted to complete one or more of the following assessments.
We recommend you check with the program(s) for any requirements regarding the language letters of recommendation should be written in (e.g., English).
Use the drop-downs and fields to answer questions regarding your relationship with the applicant.
Use the text box to respond to essay/short-answer questions about the applicant. We recommend typing your response directly into the text box and using simple formatting.
If you are copying/pasting content from somewhere else, be aware that the formatting may not copy over correctly. To fix this, remove the formatting by first pasting the content into a text editor such as Notepad, then pasting it into this text box. Or, if you're using Google Chrome as your browser, right-click the text box and select "Paste as plain text."
Provide your ratings for the listed criteria. Click the information icon under each rating to view more details about it. To select a rating, click the blue slider and drag it to the desired rating.
Select your overall recommendation for the applicant from the Recommendation Concerning Admission drop-down.
You can upload one document to support your recommendation of the applicant. Documents must be in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx), Portable Document Format (.pdf), Rich Text Format (.rft), or Plain Text (.txt) format.
You can upload documents in two ways:
If you're completing a ResidencyCAS Standardized Letter of Evaluation (SLOE), you can view more information and download templates from APGO's site.
In the Liaison Letters portal, you'll complete the SLOE using an online form (instead of uploading a PDF). If you need to complete a SLOE for an applicant in both ResidencyCAS and ERAS, you can fill it out in ResidencyCAS first, then download a PDF copy for upload in ERAS.
Note: to help your program manage the evaluation workload more effectively, consider using the delegation feature to assign who handles uploads.
Click Preview & Submit to review and submit your recommendation. Your recommendation and, if applicable, letter appear in a preview window. If the recommendation and uploaded document look correct, click Yes, Upload It to proceed. Otherwise, click No, Cancel Upload to return to the request.
Alternatively, click Save or Save & Exit to save a draft version of your recommendation. You can then resume and submit it at a later time.
Some Centralized Application Services (CASs) collect recommendations through the Program Materials section using specific recommendation types (e.g., academic, personal, etc.). When your CAS uses this feature, you can automatically reuse a completed recommendation for an applicant who requests you complete additional recommendations that are the same type as the original. Once you’ve activated this option, any time the same applicant requests the same recommendation type for an additional program, the system automatically completes the recommendation and submits it.
You can view on the Requests page if the recommendation has been reused, and if so, for which programs. You will also receive an email every Friday with this information. You can turn off this feature at any time.
To use this feature:
On the Requests page, you can choose to activate or deactivate recommendation reuse by clicking Reuse or Stop Reusing, respectively, for each applicant's completed recommendation request.
If you choose to use this feature, we recommend that when you complete the recommendation form, you keep it generic so it can be reused for any program at any school an applicant may apply to.
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) gives applicants the right to access recommendations unless they choose to waive their right of inspection and review. Prior to requesting any recommendations, applicants must indicate whether they wish to waive their rights. You can view if an applicant waived their rights under the Access field. Please note that applicants can view your contact information and any information you add to the Profile page (i.e., phone number, email, etc.) in their full application PDF.