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High School Attended

This section only applies to first-time college applicants and transfer applicants who did not previously attend a Montana University System institution.

Follow the steps below to add your high school to the application.

  1. Click Add High School.
  2. Select your school's country from the drop-down.
  3. Enter your school's state, city, zip code, or CEEB code to narrow down your search.
  4. Select your school from the list. If your school does not appear in the list, click Can't find your school? and manually enter the information.
  5. Enter the dates attended by clicking the calendar icon to select the month and year or entering the month and year (e.g., May 2022).
  6. Click Save This School.

Home Schools

Follow the steps below if you were home schooled in high school.

  1. Click Add High School.
  2. Click the Home School tab.
  3. Use the Country, State/Province, and City drop-downs to enter the location of your home schooling.
  4. Enter the name of your home school or associated school or organization.
  5. Enter the dates attended by clicking the calendar icon to select the month and year or entering the month and year (e.g., May 2022).
  6. Click Save This School.

Graduation Status

Indicate if you received a High School Diploma or High School Equivalency (e.g., GED) and the date you received it. If you did not graduate from high school, select I will not be receiving a high school diploma or equivalent.


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