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Other Information

Military Status

If you have US military experience, select your anticipated status at the time of enrollment from the drop-down. Select Not a member of the military if this does not apply.

Academic Infraction

Indicate whether you have ever been disciplined or placed on academic probation while attending an academic institution. If you select Yes, enter a brief explanation in the field provided. Include:

  1. A brief description of the incident
  2. Specific charge made
  3. Related dates
  4. Consequence
  5. A reflection on the incident and how the incident has impacted your life.

Denied Readmission

Indicate whether you have ever been denied readmission to an academic program due to academic conduct or performance. If yes, enter an explanation in the space provided.

Background Information

Programs fully recognize the importance of diversity in their student body and in the workforce. Accordingly, programs strongly encourage applications from persons from all socioeconomic, racial, ethnic, religious, and educational backgrounds and persons from groups underrepresented in the industry. Select any and all of the options in this section which you feel best apply to you. Please note that OHSU uses this section for statistical purposes only and it in no way affects your application or financial aid eligibility.

Low Income Levels Guidelines

If applicable, use the following chart to help you determine if you come from an economically disadvantaged background.

Size of Family*

Income Level**

















For each additional person, add:


The low income level is based on 200 percent of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services poverty guidelines. It is used to determine what constitutes a low-income family for the purposes of the SDS and LDS programs.

* Size of family means the number of exemptions listed on the qualified income tax return forms. For example, a family size of 4 may include two parents and two dependents.

** Income Level refers to the adjusted gross income stated on the federal income tax return 1040.

Other Information

Select your answers to any additional questions. Answering these questions helps programs gather information to develop future recruitment strategies.


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