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Mobile Advertising Identifiers (MAIDs) FAQs

Inclusion of MAIDs with Intelligent Names Records

Records licensed through Intelligent Names can include up to five (5) Mobile Advertising Identifiers (MAIDs) for each record. Delivery is subject to MAID availability and is not guaranteed, however fill rates currently average about 25% of the educational intent database. These fill rates are expected to rise with future quarterly updates.    

What is a MAID?

A Mobile Advertising ID or “MAID” is a unique string of 32 hyphen-separated characters created by a mobile device’s operating system and assigned to each mobile device by either Android or Apple. Use of MAIDs allows marketers to gather and target users more effectively. 

How are MAIDs shared through Intelligent Names?

Each Intelligent Names record can have up to five (5) MAIDs associated. The fill rate for MAIDs is currently about 25% and is expected to grow with future quarterly updates. On average the lifespan of a MAID is about 8 months. Each time Intelligent Names data is refreshed the current MAIDs are captured and provided through the Othot platform. Customers using MAIDs are encouraged to refresh licensed lists on a quarterly basis to ensure the most accurate information is utilized.  

How can MAIDs be used in my advertising campaigns?

Think of MAIDs as an address to reach a person’s unique mobile device. When used with advanced digital advertising campaigns, MAIDs enable more precise targeting of individuals and their devices. By utilizing MAIDs, marketers can enhance campaign relevance, optimize return on investment, and deliver compelling content that resonates with customers. Furthermore, MAIDs can prevent redundant ads from reaching converted customers and facilitate the creation of an omnichannel targeting strategy to enhance customer engagement.

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