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Quarterly Data Refresh FAQs

Each quarter our data partners update the consumer database that drives Intelligent Names. To help ensure institutions engage with prospects using the most accurate information, we proactively refresh customer lists each quarter once the updated information is available. Newly updated lists can be accessed via the platform and our best practice recommendation is for customers to download new lists every time updates are available.  

When downloading new files, pay close attention to the following:   

  • IDs with Blank Information: if a previously delivered individual no longer exists in the database, their ID still appears in the list grid, but all other data columns are blank. Records matching these IDs should be removed from your internal systems.  
  • Intent Score Changes: our intent scores are based on individual demographics. As profiles are updated and demographic information changes, scores can be impacted.  
  • Mobile Phone and Home Phone: the number of individuals with this information has the potential to increase or decrease each quarter. Records with a phone listed before may now show as blank if confidence in the previously associated number no longer exists. Likewise, as new numbers become available, we provide updated information.  
  • Mobile Advertising IDs (MAIDs): MAIDs typically have a “shelf life” of under eight months. Therefore, each quarter, the most up-to-date list of MAIDs is included for each record. Our internal update is likely to result in changed MAID information for records where it was previously delivered, as well as additions and subtractions overall. 
  • Do Not Call Lists: requests by individuals to be included on the national do not call list occur daily. With each quarterly update, our data partners update the database with all known members of the do not call list registry. Ensuring your lists reflect the most recent do no call requests will help ensure your organization remains in compliance with these regulations. Pay attention to records that now have Yes in the do not call column that previously had a No.  


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