Managing Recommendations

Recommendations in Outcomes allow you to receive feedback from recommenders regarding your applicants. You create a Recommender form and have it sent as necessary.

Creating Recommender Forms

Recommender Forms are forms you create to be sent to recommenders, requesting their evaluation of an applicant.

To create a Recommender Form:

  1. Click Reference Forms in the Application section of the Settings Menu.
  2. Click the plus sign.
  3. Name the form and enter a key to associate with it. Click Create Form.

  4. Recommender Forms are divided into different sections. Enter a name in the Section Title.
  5. Enter an introduction with instructions or information for references.
  6. To begin adding questions, click Add Question.
  7. On the Edit Question page, enter your question.
  8. Enter additional guidance in the Help Text field.
  9. Choose your desired Question Type.

Question Types are as follows:

  1. Check the Required checkbox to make this a required question.
  2. If desired, enter a Javascript condition to modify the question.
  3. After completing your question, click Add.
  4. Continue adding questions as desired.
  5. Click Add Section to add a new section of questions.
  6. Click Add Calculated Field to add a field to be used in calculating applicant data. Calculated Fields are used to combine and transform data fields from anywhere on the applicant record. They appear when reviewing applications, but are not displayed to applicants. After completing your question, click Add.
  7. When you’re done configuring the Recommender Form, click Save Changes.