Navigating Marketing

The Marketing view in Outcomes allows you to create and track your outreach methods. Using the Marketing tools, you can set up automated, personalized communications to any contact or application.



  1. Marketing Menu: select between Quick Messages, Campaign Builder, and Templates.
  2. Campaigns Dropdown: use this dropdown to select between active and inactive campaigns.
  3. Search Button: use the search to find existing campaigns.
  4. New Campaign: click the plus sign to begin building a new campaign.
  5. Campaign List: review your existing campaigns using this grid.
  6. More Options: use this button to access the Copy, Delete, and Deactivate actions.

To perform bulk actions on your campaigns, use the appropriate checkboxes to select them individually, or use the top checkbox to select them all.


Bulk actions include:

Email Templates

In the Marketing area of Outcomes, you can create email templates to send to applicants. To access the Email Templates section, click Templates from the Navigation Menu under Marketing.


To create a new template, click the plus sign at the top right. Click on any template to review or edit it. To switch between active and inactive templates, use the dropdown at the top of the page. To perform bulk actions on your Email Templates, use the appropriate checkboxes to select them individually, or use the top checkbox to select them all.


Bulk actions include: