Navigating Tasks

Working with the Tasks Page

Once you create a task, you can create, organize, assign, and track tasks related to your processes.


  1. Use the Tasks Filter to isolate tasks that are assigned to you, open, or complete.
  2. Use the Search Button to search for tasks by their description.
  3. Click the Filter Button to filter your tasks based on other things like assignee, date assigned, or tags.
  4. Click Create Task to create a new task.
  5. Use the deadline filters to isolate tasks that are overdue, due today, or due soon.
  6. Use the Tasks Grid to sort tasks by their due date. Tasks with a red due date are overdue, while those with a green due date are marked as complete. You can also use the checkboxes to select tasks to complete batch actions.

Managing Tasks

From the Tasks Grid, use the checkboxes to open the Actions Menu. You can perform any of the following actions for individual or multiple Tasks:


Assigning Tasks

Click Assign to assign a task to a different user.

Marking Tasks Complete or Open

Click Mark Complete or Mark Open to update the task's status.

Deleting Tasks

Click Delete to permanently delete a task.