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CRM Export FAQ

How did we come up with this field set for our standard export?
After many years of working with clients and SSD (Axiom), we found that most clients are exporting these fields. We used to have an export that exported many more fields, and we found this to be confusing to the client. This is our prescriptive strategy for the export.
Do I need to create all of the additional directories if the client is not using Axiom?
NO. Axiom requires each object csv file to be in its own directory so it can poll for new data every few minutes. If a client is not using Axiom, then you do not need this directory structure. However, you will need to adjust the post process command in the Contact export and all of the step 2 tasks.
What happens if the client wants to add custom fields to one of the object export files?

Let’s use an example of a client wanting to add the ‘Application Fee Waiver’ field to the CRM export. Follow the steps below to add fields:

  1. Create the ‘Application Fee Waiver’ field in the Application object.
  2. Add an ‘Application Fee Waiver’ column to both the Application_wContactId_Lookup.csv and crmexport_application.csv files.
  3. Refresh the fields in step 5 of the TargetX CRM Export - Application - step1 v2 DSS Task.
  4. Map the ‘Application Fee Waiver’ field.
  5. Save and run the TargetX CRM Export - Application - step1 v2 DSS Task.
  6. Once the TargetX CRM Export - Application - step1 v2 task is complete, refresh the mapping in the TargetX CRM Export - Application - step2 v2 DSS Task.
  7. Map the  ‘Application Fee Waiver’ field. Add any function that is needed for this field (optional).
What happens if I do not want to export all of the objects that are included in the TargetX CRM Export v2 Task Flow?
Edit the Task Flow and remove the DSS Tasks that are not needed.




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