Using Common Informatica Expressions

When you click the "fx" icon, a "Field Expression" dialog box appears, which includes a section called "Function Description and Syntax" to help assist with writing the expressions. 

Below are a few commonly used expressions in Informatica with examples showing how to write the syntax to translate the data. For a full listing, please reference the "Functions" list in the "Field Expression" dialog box.





CHR CHR returns the ASCII character corresponding to the numeric value you pass to this function. ASCII values fall in the range 0 to 255. You can pass any integer to CHR, but only ASCII codes 32 to 126 are printable characters. CHR ( numeric_value )

'1001 E Hector St' || CHR(13) || 'Suite 100'

will integrate as:

1001 E Hector St

Suite 100

INITCAP INITCAP capitalizes the first letter in each word of a string and converts all other letters to lowercase. Words are delimited by white space (a blank space, formfeed, newline, carriage return, tab, or vertical tab) and characters that are not alphanumeric. For example, if you pass the string ‘…THOMAS’, the function returns Thomas INITCAP ( string )


integrates as the value "Thomas"

LENGTH Returns the number of characters in a string, including trailing blanks. LENGTH ( string ) LENGTH('TargetX') = 7
LOWER Converts uppercase string characters to lowercase. LOWER ( string ) LOWER('THOMAS') = thomas
LPAD Adds a set of blanks or characters to the beginning of a string to set the string to a specified length. LPAD (first_string, length, [second_string] ) LPAD('5224', 6, '0') = 005224
REPLACECHR Replaces characters in a string with a single character or no character. REPLACECHR searches the input string for the characters you specify and replaces all occurrences of all characters with the new character you specify. REPLACECHR ( Flag, InputString, OldCharSet, NewChar )

REPLACECHR(0, 'Some-hyphenated-data', '-', ' ') = Some hyphenated data

Note: If Flag is set to true, the function is case sensitive.

SUBSTR Returns a portion of a string. SUBSTR counts all characters, including blanks, starting at the beginning of the string. SUBSTR (string, start, [length] ) SUBSTR('ABCDEFG', 0, 4) = ABCD
UPPER Converts lowercase string characters to uppercase. UPPER ( string ) UPPER('acme') = ACME

Converts a character string to a date datatype in the same format as the character string. You use the TO_DATE format strings to specify the format of the source strings.

Note: The target column must be date/time for TO_DATE expressions.

If you are converting two-digit years with TO_DATE, use either the RR or YY format string. Do not use the YYYY format string.

TO_DATE ( string, [format] ) TO_DATE('12/2/2010', 'MM/DD/YYYY') = 12/02/2010

TO_DATE('12/2/10', 'MM/DD/RR') = 12/02/2010

Returns whether a value is NULL. ISNULL evaluates an empty string as FALSE.

Note: To test for empty srings, use LENGTH.

ISNULL ( value ) ISNULL('Is It?') = FALSE

GET_DATE_PART Returns the specified part of a date as an integer value. For example, if you create an expression that returns the month portion of the date, and pass a date such as Apr 1 1997 00:00:00, GET_DATE_PART returns 4.  GET_DATE_PART ( date, format )  GET_DATE_PART('12/2/2010', 'MM') = 12

Searches a column for a value that you specify. If the function finds the value, it returns a result value, which you define. If no matching value is found, the default value is returned. You can build an unlimited number of searches within a DECODE function.

Note: If you use DECODE to search for a value in a string column, you can either trim trailing blanks with the RTRIM function or include the blanks in the search string.

DECODE( value, first_search, first_result, [ second_search, second_result]...[,default] )

'Female', 1,
'Male', 2,
'Transgender', 3,

'Female', 1,
'Male', 2,
'Transgender', 3,


IIF Returns one of two values you specify, based on the results of a condition. IIF( condition, value1, value 2 ) IIF('CRM' = 'CRM', 'They Match!', 'No match') = They Match!

IIF(15 > 50, 'Win', 'Lose') = Lose