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Configuring the Yield History Chart

How to customize the chart to picklist values

The Yield History chart reports on data from the Student Stage, Anticipated Start Term, and Anticipated Start Year fields on the Contact object and the Application Start Term, Application Start Year, and Application Decision fields on the Application object. 

Each picklist value from the above-named fields must be mapped to the chart. 

  1. Click the Home tab.
  2. Modify the URL (where naX is your server instance) to and click Enter.
  3. At the top of the page, specify the pipeline level to which, if any, each Student Stage pick list value corresponds.

Note: The chart does not track leads or prospects before the inquiry level so you would choose None for pre-inquiry stages.

  1. ​At the bottom of the page, specify which Application Decision pick list values qualify as Accepted.

Note: Map any values that do not correspond to Accepted to None.

Update Recruitment Manager Preferences

If using EDA, you must set the Yield History Account Lookup in Recruitment Manager Preferences

  1. Navigate to the RM Preferences tab.
  2. In the Yield History section, select an Account Lookup for Yield History.

Calculation Details

  • # Enrolled - The number of students in the selected term and year whose current Student Stage value corresponds to Enrolled
  • # Deposit - The number of students in the selected term and year whose current Student Stage value corresponds to Deposited, plus the total for # Enrolled
  • # Accepted - The number of students with one or more submitted applications for the selected term and year whose current Application Decision value corresponds to Accepted
  • # of Applicants - The number of students with one or more submitted applications for the selected term and year
  • # of Inquiries - The number of students in the selected term and year  whose current Student Stage value corresponds to Inquiry, plus the total # of Applicants
  • Melt Rate - The percent of deposited students that did NOT enroll. This is calculated as follows: (1 - (enrolled/deposited))*100

For example, if  75 students enrolled and 100 deposited, the Melt Rate would be 25%.

Note: The chart assumes all Enrolled students had a prior stage of Deposited and all Applicants had a prior stage of Inquiry.

How to display Yield History chart on the Account page

  1. Click Edit Layout.
  2. Add the Visual Force page: rateforaccount.




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