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Resolving why Common App attachments aren't loading

When using the Common App SDS process to load both data and PDF attachments into the CRM, you may see that the process full flow completes (0 errors / 0 success) but does not attach PDFs to the Application records in the CRM. Below are a few common reasons why this may occur. 

Incorrect Match on Application Key

The Common App SDS attachments process uses the Common App ID to match PDFs to Application records in the CRM. Your attachment file name must start with the Common App ID of the student, and your TargetX_SRMb__Application_Key__c field on the Application Object must be the Common App Id. If these two do not match, the process will not fail and you will not see attachments load.

Solution: The TargetX SDS Default Template includes the Common App ID as the first part of the file name and maps the Common App ID to the Application Key field on the Application Object. If your file name is not correct, please contact Common App to request use of the TargetX template. If your Application Key field is not using the TargetX default, you will need to revert back to the default or contact Support for assistance. 

PDF Zip File Not Unzipped

The Common App SDS process transfers the PDF zip files from the Common App FTP site to your local server, at which point they must be unzipped. If the files are not unzipped, the process will run without failure and not attach the files. 

Solution: You must install a zip utility on the server where the attachments are being stored to unzip the file. 

PDF Date/Time Stamp in the Future

The Common App creates your Application zip file on a nightly basis and loads this to your FTP site between 1am and 6am ET. The process used to zip the files runs on a server set to UTC, which is four hours ahead of the eastern timezone. As a result, files can be transferred with a last modified date/time that appears to be in the future if your SDS Task Flow is run too soon after the Common App processes your attachment data file. This will cause the process to run successfully but not see any attachment files, and therefore not load the PDFs into the CRM.

Solution: Common App has moved all TargetX clients to an earlier processing time to reduce the likelihood of this occurring. While tasks run after 7am your local time should run with success, you may want to schedule the tasks to run closer to 9am or 10am if you continue to see issues. 

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