A2P Twilio Registration

Note: For the most current pricing information, please review Twilio's Pricing and Fees documentation.

A2P Twilio Registration

What do I need to do? 

Starting March 1st (due before June 1st), you’ll need to follow the steps at the bottom of this article to register information about your institution to comply with new A2P (application to person) carrier regulations from AT&T, and some forthcoming regulations from T-Mobile. We encourage you to read the full FAQ on Twilio’s site, though we’ll give you the basics here and give you guidance on what you’ll need to complete. 

Why do I need to register?

Carriers are starting to gather more information about senders to determine who is and who is not sending their customers legitimate content. As part of the carrier filtering determination alongside things like volume, they’ll be using information you have registered with Twilio to better target their decisions. 

If they detect bulk traffic from a messaging service that is not registered after October 1, 2021, you are much more likely to get filtered (this means your messages won’t get through to your students). 

I only send 1:1 messages, do I still need to register?

Yes, carriers consider all messages that originate from Twilio to be A2P, even if your use case is strictly Person to Person in execution.

Does registration cost anything?

For the most current pricing information, please review Twilio's Pricing and Fees documentation.

What happens if I don’t register?

You will almost certainly get your phone numbers filtered and will be unable to effectively send text messages via Twilio/TargetX.

Will I get any benefits for registering?

Yes! Carriers intend to increase the message per second limit for registered users in the future. By virtue of being registered, as soon as carriers make those upgrades, your bulk messages should send faster! They also might change max messages per number per day, meaning that you’ll be able to scale down the number of phone numbers in a messaging service without encountering filtering limits. 

Once you register, you should see your allowed throughput limits in Twilio, and can adjust your phone numbers per inbox accordingly. You may wish to keep all numbers you’ve already purchased to maintain ongoing conversations with students (instead of picking them up from another phone number in that inbox), but you can adjust phone numbers in new inboxes down.

How do I register? 

Follow the steps outlined in the Twilio article Direct Standard and Low Volume Standard registration overview. If you have any questions about registering, please direct them to Twilio’s support, as we do not have visibility into your TX SMS Twilio account.