Sent: This broadcast was successfully processed and sent to Sendgrid for delivery.
Processing: This broadcast is currently being processed. We’re building all the individual emails from your recipient list and the provided template, and then we’ll pass them on to Sendgrid for delivery.
Hold: This broadcast is on hold. The campaign owner should have received an email notification, and they can click the link in the email to release it.
Failed: This broadcast failed to send. You can click on the status icon to see more information about why.
Scheduled: This broadcast is scheduled for the future.
If the Failed status indicator is underlined, you can click on it to view a pop-up with an error code, an error message, and possibly a link to a knowledge base article with more information. This will either give you the information you need to fix the issue yourself or give you exactly the information you need to give to support to get the quickest resolution.
TargetX is currently rolling out error handling to Orgs in the backend throughout the month of July, and all users should see all errors clickable by 08/01/19.
Note: If you do NOT see a link on the Failed status indicator, please submit a Support ticket so they can investigate the problem.