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Configuring the Pay Later option for Events

Step 1: Configure your Event to Allow Invoicing

To enable the Pay Later option for Events, you must select the Allow Invoicing checkbox on the event record:

  1. Click the Organization Events tab.
  2. Click the Event that you want to update to allow registrants to Pay Later.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. In the Preferences section, click the checkbox for Allow Invoicing.
  5. Save your changes.

Step 2: Configure your Event Invoice Confirmation Email

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Classic Email Templates.
  2. Select the Event Email Templates Folder.
  3. Click the Invoice Confirmation Email.
  4. Click Edit Text Version.
  5. Update the text to meet your business needs.
  6. Save your changes.

Dear {!Contact.Name},

Thank you for signing up for our event!

Your registration is currently pending until we have received the associated event fee. You still owe {!TargetX_Eventsb__ContactScheduleItem__c.TargetX_Eventsb__Total_Event_Cost__c} for the event {!TargetX_Eventsb__OrgEvent__c.Name}.

We look forward to seeing you soon! Please be sure to submit payment at your earliest convenience so we may confirm your seat at this event.

Thank you!

Step 3: Confirm Payments

For those attendees who choose to Pay Later, the Invoiced, Confirmed, and Pending checkboxes will be populated as follows:

  • Invoiced is checked when the user registers and opts to Pay Later.
  • Pending is checked when the user registers, but payment has NOT yet been received.
  • Confirmed is checked automatically once payment has been received.

Your institution must manually click the Paid checkbox for that attendee once payment is received. Clicking Paid removes the Pending checkmark:

Paid checkbox for attendees

  1. Navigate to the Organization Events tab.
  2. Click on the Event where you want to record payments.
  3. Scroll to the Attendees section.
  4. Click the Paid checkbox.

Using Invoices with Sub Event(s)

If you want to invoice for Sub Events, the Allow Invoicing checkbox must be checked on the Parent Event. Remove the Email Template selections from the Sub Event(s) otherwise, the attendees will receive multiple emails.

Note: If your Parent event does NOT have a cost, but the Sub Event does, the Paid checkbox will NOT display on the Parent event but WILL display on the Sub Event(s). 

The Invoice Confirmation Email will include the Total Cost for both the Parent Event and any Sub Event(s). If you wish to include additional details in the Confirmation email, you must create a new, custom Email template.


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