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Setting up TargetX Events in a Sandbox

This article assumes that the sandbox has events installed and configured as if the sandbox was just refreshed from production. 

Step 1: Finding the sandbox events site URL

1. Log into the sandbox.
2. Navigate to the setup menu, under develop click sites.
3. Copy the visible link for the sandbox events site (ex.
4. Add an s to the end of http if it isn't there already (ex.

**This will be known as the sandbox events site URL or <sandboxsiteURL> later in this document.


Step 2: Updating Form Assembly

Note: If you already have a sandbox registration form, select that form and skip steps 3 and 4 below.

1. Log into the production CRM (Form Assembly will always be accessed through production).
2. Select Form Assembly and navigate to Manage Web Forms.
3. Find the form that you would like to use as the base for the sandbox registration and choose Copy & Open in Form Builder.
4. Rename the form so that its clear that it is the sandbox event registration form and Save.
5. Go to the Notifications tab and change the redirect URL to be <sandboxsiteURL>/Targetx_eventsb__formprocess?id=%%SFA_CONTACT%%&rid=%%RESPONSE_ID%%
6. Go to the Connectors tab, select Configure on the Salesforce Submit Connector.
7. Under Salesforce Authentication, click Reset Credentials.
8. Enter the username, password and security token of the sandbox and check the sandbox checkbox.
9. Go to the Publish tab, where it says your form is publicly available, copy only the numbers from the end of this URL. This will be the Form Id referenced in future steps.

Step 3: Add a 'Trusted Domain'

To display the Organization calendar correctly based on Session Settings, you must add a Trusted Domain:

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Session Settings.
  2. Locate the Trusted Domains section.
  3. Click Add Domain.
  4. Enter:
    1. Domain = <mydomain> (replacing <mydomain> with your Org’s Domain Name)
    2. IFrame Type = Visualforce Page
  5. Save your changes.

Step 4: Updating the Sandbox

1. Log into the sandbox CRM.
2. In setup, under develop click custom settings.
3. Find events settings and click manage. Edit the default setting.
4. Update the SingleEventRegistrationURL:

  • For Events version 5 or earlier: Enter <sandboxsiteURL>/TargetX_Eventsb__eventsPlus_search
  • For Events version 6 or later: Enter <sandboxsiteURL>/TargetX_Eventsb__events#/esr

5. Update the Default Form Id to be the id from step 9 of updating Form Assembly.

Step 5: Testing Events

1. All events created in sandbox should use the form id from step 9 of updating Form Assembly or be blank.
2. The link to test the events site is your <sandboxsiteURL>.

Test Scenarios

  1. Forms/Events - Create a separate form used to connect into the Sandbox to fully test form submission and event registration.  
    • The form is setup in Production but the Connector looks to Sandbox and the Form Redirect needs to go to the Sandbox Event Site.
  2. Test the External Events Calendar (visible to your prospective contacts); filter Nearby Events, My Events, by Type, etc.
  3. Register for different events as a student (with and without a Guest):
  • Featured Event
  • Recurring Event
  • Event with sub-events
  1. Confirm correct Confirmation/other automated Emails send correctly. Note: SalesForce email needs to be enabled for this to work.
  2. Test Event Reminder Emails to confirm proper number of days. Note: SalesForce email needs to be enabled for this to work.
  3. Cancel an Event registration.
  4. Check-in an Event Registrant.
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