Obtaining the Event-Specific URL

Finding the Registration URL for a Specific Event

  1. Right-click on the Click for Registration Page link that appears within an event that has already been previously created and saved. 

Note: This link is not present when you create the event. After you save the event for the first time, it appears, and re-open it.

  1. Click Link Location. You can then paste the link wherever it is needed.

Note: You can use the Click for Registration Page to register on behalf of a student.

Prefilling the Event Registration Form for Events 5.x

  1. <Site URL>/targetx_eventsb__eventsplus_results?<Insert Parameters>
  2. Events 5.x Example:


Note:  The student will only be presented with one form, so this prefill will only occur on the one form.  

Prefilling the Event Registration Form for Events 6.x

  1. Update the Event Specific URL to be <Site URL>#/esr
  2. Example:


Note:  The student will only be presented with one form, so this prefill will only occur on the one form.