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Creating a Flow to update the App Dashboard Application Label

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Flow.
  2. Click New Flow.
  3. Choose Start from Scratch.
  4. On the Select Type page, choose Record-Triggered Flow; and click Create.
  5. In the Select Object picklist, select the Application object (TargetX_SRMb__Application__c).
  6. Set Configure Trigger to trigger the Flow when a record is created or updated.
  7. In Set Entry Conditions, select the following options:
    1. Condition Requirements should read All Conditions are Met
    2. Create two field conditions:
      1. Application: Possible Academic Major Does Not Equal blank
      2. Application: Start Term Year Does Not Equal blank

(Note: These are blank/null values, not the word “blank”)

  1. When to Run the Flow for Updated Records – select Every time a record is updated and meets the condition requirements.
  2. Optimize the Flow for: select Actions and Related Records.
  3. Save the flow. Name the flow Update Application Display Label and enter a Description.
  4. Create a resource.
    1. Click on the Toolbox on the left-hand side of the page.
    2. Select New Resource.

TargetX App Dash Flow_AppLabel.png

  1. Resource type should be Formula.
  2. Create a unique API name (such as appDashboardFormula) and enter your preferred description.
  3. Select Text as your Data Type.
  4. Formula – please paste in the following, and click Done:
TEXT({!$Record.TargetX_SRMb__Possible_Academic_Major__c}) & ' - ' & {!$Record.TargetX_SRMb__Start_Term_and_Year__c} & ' - ' & TEXT({!$Record.TargetX_SRMb__Level__c})

Note: You can edit this formula to use the fields of your preference.

  1. Choose Done to return to the Flow view, then click the small circle after Run Immediately under the green Record Triggered Flow Start element:


  1. Add an Update Records element under Data.
  2. Provide a Label/Name and description. This name cannot be the same as your flow name.
  3. For How to Find Records to Update and Set Their Values – select Use the application record that triggered the flow.
  4. Set Filter Conditions: Condition Requirements to Update Record – should read None – Always Update Record.
  5. Set Field Values for the Application Record:
    1. Field should be the Application: App Dashboard Application Label field.
    2. For Value, click the magnifying glass and select the name of the formula resource you created in Step 11.

TargetX Flow Update Records element.png

  1. Save your Flow.
  2. Debug your Flow.
  3. If the Flow populates the field as desired, choose Activate.
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