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Validating your Payment Connector settings after an upgrade

Step 1: Validate the Payment Connector Record 

  1. ​Navigate to the "+" to access all tabs 
  2. Click on the Payment Connectors tab 
  3. For each Payment Connector record, review/validate the following details are accurate based on what your Payment Vendor provided: 
    1. Gateway Account Name 
    2. Record Type 
    3. Country Code 
    4. Currency Code 
    5. Login 
    6. Notify URL 
    7. Sandbox 

Note: You may have more than one Payment Connector record. The gateway specified in the Payment Gateway custom setting will be invoked during Event transactions. 

Step 2: Validate Security for Site Users 

While it is likely that this is already configured, you should verify that the guest site user has access to all objects related to the Payment Connector.   

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Sites. 
  2. Click the appropriate Site Label.
  3. Run the TargetX Permission Scanner to validate permissions.

Step 3: Validate Payment Gateway Custom Settings 

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Custom Settings. 
  2. Click Manage next to Payment Gateway Settings
  3. Select the "default" record. 
  4. In the "Default Payment Gateway" field verify the "Gateway Account Name" from the Payment Connectors record that was viewed in the step above. The name must match exactly.  
  5. All other fields in the setting are deprecated and can be ignored. 

Step 4: Validate your Response Handler URL to Payment Provider 

To ensure that payments made are communicated back to the CRM, your payment gateway provider should have the URL for your "Response Handler" page. This will be: 

<<YOUR SITE URL>>/targetx_payment__responsehandler 

Note: Please note that there are TWO underscores between payment and responsehandler. 


<<YOUR SITE URL>>/targetx_payment__responsehandler 

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For example, if you are collecting event payments and your event site is, your Response Handler page is:

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