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Setting Up Telemarketing Campaigns

  1. Click on the "Campaigns" tab.
  2. Click the New button.
  3. Fill out the Campaign Name and other information.
  4. Set the Type to Telemarketing.
  5. Set a period for the Caller Timeout. This is used so multiple callers will never be viewing the same student at the same time. A student stays assigned to a caller until a status is set within the Telemarketing application, indicating the call was completed or until the timeout period has expired. Timeout period options include Nightly, Never and ranges from 1 hour to 24 hours. 

Note: If you do not set a timeout period, the picklist will show "None," but the timeout will default to 1 hour.

  1. Set the Callbacks field to determine how many 'No Answers' will result in a Never Answered status.
  2. When completed, click Save.
  3. In Classic, this will bring you to the Campaign Detail page. Click the Advanced Setup button. 
    1. Click to AddEdit or Upload additional Members.
  4. In Lightning, select the Related tab and the Campaign Members Status Related List. 
    1. Edit Responded to Had Conversation. 
    2. Edit Sent to None. 
    3. Click New to add No Answer, leaving the checkbox unchecked for Responded. 
    4. Click New to add Left Message,  Never Answered, and check Responded.

Note: For information on updating Lightning Page Layouts, see the Salesforce Help & Training article Page Layouts in Lightning Experience.

  1. Add status options None, No Answer, Had Conversation, Left Message, and Never Answered.

Note: Only the predefined status values above can be used in telemarketing campaigns. Custom campaign member status values are not accessible when setting the disposition of a call. 

  1. Click the Default radial button next to "None."
  2. Check Responded next to "Had conversation," "Left Message," and "Never Answered." This step must be done for each new campaign.

TIP: An alternative to adding these statuses every time you create a new campaign is to clone an existing campaign instead of creating a new one. Cloning a campaign is creates a copy of the campaign, so it will already contain the statuses and won't require Advanced Setup. The clone button is located on the top menu bar of the "Edit Campaign" page.

  1. Click Save.

Note: The Telemarketing application will only create and track activity history for records relating to students, so while you can create a lead-based campaign, the activity history will not include them.

Adding Campaign Members via Reports

Please see the Salesforce Help & Training article Add Campaign Members from Reports.

Adding Campaign Members via Campaign "Manage Members" Button

  1. Click on the "Campaigns" Tab.
  2. Select the record of the campaign to which you would like to add members. This will bring you to the "Campaign Detail" page.
  3. In Classic, this will bring you to the "Campaign Detail" page. Click the Manage Members button.
    1. Select how you would like to Add Members, either by searching or by importing them.

  4. In Lightning, select the Related tab and select the Campaign Members related list. 

    1. Select to Add Leads or Add Students to add additional Member Status Values.

Note: If you choose to import, select "Update & Add Campaign Members - Import File" and then "Update & Add Campaign Members" to import the members as contacts rather than leads. 

  1. After you have created the member list, click on Add with Status and choose a status of None.


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