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TargetX Application Management

Sample Training Objectives

  • Identify Key Fields on Application Records
  • Describe when to use Contact data vs. Application data (particularly if using rollups)
  • Explain how to check for missing items (and/or process documents or complete a file if necessary)
  • Able to read a file and log a decision
  • Summarize the student experience of the App
  • Tell when/where a decision has been posted

Training Outline Example

Approximately 2 hours


  • Student-Facing Side (start, complete, submit, App Dashboard/Portal)
  • Record Anatomy/Navigation (CRM)
    • App Supporting Docs (Essay, Enrollment History, etc.)
  • Review of Key Fields
    • Roll-up fields (if in use)
  • Applicant List Views (incl. exercise)
  • Checklist Items
    • Define Checklist items/When they’re created
    • Completing (automatically vs. manually)

App Review Tool

  • Defining Review Process
  • How to find your files (incl. exercise)
  • How to read your files (incl. exercise)

Training Activity Examples

  • Create a list of applications:
    • Started today
    • Submitted today
    • Decision date of today
  • Find an app from a particular contact for a particular term and year 
    • Look at a Contact with multiple apps and find the “right” one
  • Information About the App:
    • When was the app started or submitted?
    • How many recommendations did the applicant request?
    • What items are outstanding on their file?
    • What percent complete are they?

Supplemental Materials

End-User Training PowerPoint Template


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