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Managing Users in TX User Management

Deactivating a User 

To deactivate a user, click the Actions icon (1) for the user you want to deactivate and click ‘Deactivate User (2) You can find deactivated users on the ‘Deactivated’ users list.

deactivate user menu option


Modifying User Details

  1. Access the TargetX User Management System directly with the following URL:
  2. From the Manage Users page, click the Edit menu:

edit menu

  1. The Edit User window will display:

Edit User screen

  1. Click the Administrator toggle (1) if the user can create/edit Users. 
  2. Make the necessary edits.
  3. Save (2) your changes or Cancel to discard your changes.

Re-inviting a User

User invitations expire 24 hours after they are sent. To re-invite a user who has not yet activated an account after the invitation has expired, use the Action menu from the Invited Users list:

reinvite user menu option



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