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Onboard Students

This page applies to [CAS NAME] institutional administrators.


A successful onboarding of [trainee]s to the [CAS NAME] system is a very important step and one that you will repeat as new cohorts of [trainee]s begin using [CAS NAME]. Use the following tips to ensure [trainee]s understand how to use [CAS NAME], including how to create accurate [placement]s.

Learn How [Trainee]s Sign Up for Accounts

Unlike supervisors and faculty members, [trainee]s sign up for [CAS NAME] on their own. While [Trainee]s can create their [CAS NAME] accounts on the mobile or web apps, we recommend they use the web app when possible. Depending on your program’s subscription, there are two ways for a [trainee] to sign up:

  1. Authorization key sign up
    Programs that have purchased subscriptions for their [trainee]s are issued a unique authorization key that [trainee]s use to create their accounts. As the institutional administrator, you need to share this key with your [trainee]s once your setup is complete. To find your authorization key, click Accounts, then Authorization Key. [Trainee]s who create a new [CAS NAME] account can apply the authorization key in either the mobile or web app. [Trainee]s who have existing [CAS NAME] accounts can add and manage their authorization keys in the web app only.

  2. [Trainee] paid subscription sign up
    Programs that require [trainee]s to pay for their own [CAS NAME] subscription will simply direct students to purchase a subscription on the [CAS NAME] website. [Trainee]s can only purchase a subscription in the web app.

Prepare and Send [Trainee] Signup Information

Once you've finished setting up your institution's [CAS NAME] account, you're ready to send signup information to [trainee]s. The following information should be included in the instructions you send to [trainee]s:

  • A link to the [trainee] quick start guide.
    The [trainee] quick start guide provides step-by-step instructions for account and [placement] setup. Be sure to review this guide before sharing it with [trainee]s.

  • Authorization key (if applicable).
    If you've paid for [trainee] subscriptions, you need to share your authorization key with [trainee]s. To find your authorization key, click Accounts, then Authorization Key. If you require your [trainee]s to pay for their own subscriptions, you will not use an authorization key.

  • The official name listed on your [CAS NAME] account.
    Providing [trainee]s with the exact name of your [CAS NAME] account ensures they select the correct school when they set up their user profile. To confirm your account name, click Settings and view the name that appears under Your School.

  • Key deadlines​​​.
    Communicating deadlines for things like account and [placement] creation can help improve the process.

  • Additional information and expectations.
    Communicating additional details such as expectations for logging and submitting activities, details about completing forms or evaluations, or other department-specific details can also help with a smooth transition.

► View an email template you can copy and edit.

Template Subject Line: [CAS NAME] Setup Instructions


This email contains the key information you need to set up your [CAS NAME] account. You'll be using [CAS NAME] to manage all your activities. Read this email carefully and save it for future reference.

You are responsible for setting up your [CAS NAME] account. Please use the Quick Start Guide to set up your account by [insert date]. If you are an existing [CAS NAME] user, make sure you follow those instructions and change your account type to a group account. You'll need the following information to complete the setup process:

  • Authorization Key: [insert authorization key]. This is a unique key and should not be shared. (Remove this bullet if you do not provide authorization keys.)
  • Official [CAS NAME] Account Name: [insert official name of your account – you can find this in Settings under Your School].
  • Quick Start Guide: this guide provides all the details you need to set up your account. Once your account is created, you'll use this guide to help you create your first [placement], log activities and hours, and complete forms and evaluations. You can always find this guide via the Help icon in your [CAS NAME] account.

If you have difficulty setting up your account or have questions, please feel free to contact [CAS NAME] Customer Service and they will assist you.

Verify [Trainee] [Placement] Accuracy

Once your [trainee]s have created their [CAS NAME] accounts and set up their [placement]s, we encourage you to confirm the accuracy of these [placement]s. [Placement]s are the backbone of the [CAS NAME] system; incorrect [placement]s can affect activity approvals, as well as forms and evaluations. Use these strategies to verify [placement] accuracy:

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