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Manage Experiences


[Trainee]s use [placement]s to help categorize their activities, as [placement]s capture all the details of [experience]s, including the [training site], primary supervisor, term, faculty, and [course]. [Trainee]s create their [placement]s at the start of their [experience] by selecting from options created by you. They then attach their activities to their [placement]s. Adding your institution's [training site]s, supervisors, terms, faculty, and [course]s is something you'll do during the initial account setup process and anytime you need to add or change the information available to [trainee]s.

The Importance of [Placement]s

[Placement]s are key in [CAS NAME] because they tell the system where to route the activities and forms [trainee]s may be submitting to supervisors or faculty. 

Viewing [Trainee] [Placement]s

We recommend you view new [placement]s added by [trainee]s to confirm their accuracy. You can view [placement]s as follows:

  1. Click Training.
  2. Click [Placement]s.
  3. Use the filter options to narrow your list of [placement]s. 
  4. Under the [Course] column, click the [trainee]'s [course] to view the [placement] details.
    • Note that you can use the [Placement] Export in the Analytics feature to export [placement] details for a group of [trainee]s. 

Editing [Trainee] [Placement]s

You can edit full [placement] details as long as the [trainee] doesn't have any activities or forms associated with the [placement]. Once activities or forms are added to a [placement], changes are limited. Note the following: 

  • When a supervisor is changed in the [placement], the previous supervisor will continue to see any activities or forms that were submitted to them prior to the change. The new supervisor can see activities or forms sent to them from that point forward. [Trainee]s can retract previously approved activities and resubmit them to the new supervisor, if desired.
  • When a faculty member is changed in the [placement], the previous faculty member can no longer see the [trainee]'s record. The new faculty member can see all details, forms, activities, etc., connected to the [trainee] for that [placement]; the new faculty member replaces the previous faculty member on all forms and evaluations regardless of where they are in the workflow.

To edit [placement]s, view the [placement], then make any necessary changes. If you do not see expected [training site]s, supervisors, [course]s, or faculty, you may need to make them active via the Training tab.

Identifying [Trainee]s Without [Placement]s 

Occasionally, [trainee]s forget to create [placement]s before adding activities. As a result, they're unable to send activities and forms to their supervisors. You can easily check for [trainee]s without [placement]s: 

  1. Click Training.
  2. Click [Placement]s.
  3. Use the filter options to narrow your list of [placement]s and select Include Students That Do Not Match.
  4. Click Filter, then navigate to the last page of [placement]s. [Trainee]s who appear in red are missing [placement]s.  
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