Training Director Tools
Local Status Options
The local status option is a feature that allows you to classify your applicants using labels that you define. While it is not a requirement to use this feature, many Training Directors will find it helpful in classifying their applicants.
There are many ways to use the local status feature when reviewing applicants. For example, you can use it to designate the rotations at your site to which each applicant is applying. Let's say you had three rotations at your site, Adult, Child, and Neuropsych. You could define three local status options with these titles, and then assign a local status to each applicant in your pool. If applicants are permitted to apply to more than one rotation, you could also define the local status options of Adult and Child, Adult and Neuropsych, Child and Neuropsych, and All three rotations. This would then allow you to search for applicants who have an interest in a particular rotation or combination of rotations.
Another use for the local status option is to designate who on your staff is reviewing each application. Let's say that you have three review sub-committees, A, B, and C. You could define local status options of Committee A, Committee B, and Committee C and assign each applicant to a specific committee.
These are just two examples of the many ways in which you can use the local status option. You may also use it in different ways at different times in the process (e.g., have one set of options to use during the review stage and another set during the interview stage). How you use it is entirely up to you. It is important to note that you can only have one local status designation assigned to each applicant at any given time.
In order to define the local status criteria for your site, you first need to click the Define Local Status Options link on the left side of page. Then, click Add New Record. You can then define the name of the local status and its description. You can define as many or as few local status options as you wish. When viewing the list of local status options, you can change any option by clicking on the blue box to the right, or you may delete it by clicking on the red x on the right.
To view all applicants that have a particular local status, use the Search function in the My Tools menu on the left side of your screen.
List Reviewers
A reviewer is a staff/faculty member at the internship site (other than the Training Director) who needs access to the DICAS Online Selection Portal in order to review application materials. You may use the Add Reviewers option (see below) to identify these staff/faculty members and to assign each a unique login name and password. Once you provide the login information to your staff, they can login to the selection portal and review applications. You should not give out your own user name and password to any other individual.
You can make changes to any reviewer by clicking the blue + sign in the Edit column. You cannot delete a reviewer, but you can make her/him inactive by clicking the Yes link in the Active column. Making a reviewer inactive removes her/his ability to login to the Selection Portal.