Monitor Your Trainees
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This page applies to Time2Track faculty members.
Your faculty account allows you to view and monitor trainees who have identified you as their faculty member. When trainees create placements, they select a faculty member to be associated with that placement. Within Time2Track, you can view all the details of the trainee's placement. You can also monitor your trainee's status and run progress reports.
View Trainee Details
Your trainees are listed on the Students tab. Your trainees' status, which is listed here as well, refers to their account status.
- Active: the trainee has a paid Time2Track subscription, using their credit card or a program's authorization key.
- Expired: the trainee's Time2Track subscription has ended.
- Pending: the trainee is using a free trial of Time2Track.
You can view all trainee activities as long as they are attached to a placement at your program and at least one activity has been submitted for approval for that placement.
- Click Students.
- Use the filter options to narrow your list of trainees, if needed.
- Under the Name column, click the trainee's name.
- Select the trainee overview or a report type. See definitions below.
- Under Date Range, limit your report to include activities within a certain date range.
- Under Placement, select the trainee's placements.
- Under setting, select a treatment setting.
- If you select Consolidate Custom Types, then the trainee's custom activity types are combined with the associated, standard activity types. If you don't select this, then the trainee's custom activity type data is listed separately from the associated, standard activity types.
- If you select Approved Hours Only, then your report is limited to only activities approved by a supervisor.
- Click Filter, if needed.
- Click Print Signature Page to print the report details.
Report Types
Review the report type descriptions below to learn which types of activities (e.g., unconfirmed, confirmed, scheduled, etc.) and activity information are included in each report.
Trainee Overview
This page includes your trainee's details, including their Time2Track registration and expiration date, earliest activity, most recent activity, number of activities, and cumulative hours.
Activity Summary Report
This report includes a detailed view of all your trainee's confirmed activities, including graphs for their hours based on time, domain, treatment setting, placement, and type. If a trainee tracks assessment totals, these are also included.
Demographic Summary Report
This report is based on only confirmed activities and includes a detailed summary of the different client populations your trainees have worked with, including charts based on client age, gender, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, and disabilities. The total number of clients by type are also listed.
Combined Summary Report
This report combines parts of the Activity Summary and Demographic Summary reports. The client demographic data and activity hours by type are listed.
Activity Details Report
This report lists all your trainee's activities, with activity and treatment setting totals. Select the default statuses, approval statuses, and date range for a basic filter, or click Advanced Filters for additional filters.
Trainees can track their psychology training experiences and practicum hours in [CAS NAME] to complete the APPIC Application for Psychology Internships (AAPI) application. If they do this, you can use this report to view all activities that will be included in their AAPI application. Select the default statuses and date range to filter.
Note that when trainees apply through the AAPI application, only activities up to October 1 are included in the AAPI Summary of Practicum Experiences. You can use the date range filter to find which activities meet this criterion.
Run Trainee Reports
You can extract your trainee information as a CSV file.
- Click Students.
- Use the filter options to narrow your list of trainees, if needed.
- Click Download CSV.