This page applies to Time2Track institutional administrators.
A successful onboarding of trainees to the Time2Track system is a very important step and one that you will repeat as new cohorts of trainees begin using Time2Track. Use the following tips to ensure trainees understand how to use Time2Track, including how to create accurate placements.
Unlike supervisors and faculty members, trainees sign up for Time2Track on their own. While Trainees can create their Time2Track accounts on the mobile or web apps, we recommend they use the web app when possible. Depending on your program’s subscription, there are two ways for a trainee to sign up:
Authorization key sign up
Programs that have purchased subscriptions for their trainees are issued a unique authorization key that trainees use to create their accounts. As the institutional administrator, you need to share this key with your trainees once your setup is complete. To find your authorization key, click Accounts, then Authorization Key. Trainees who create a new Time2Track account can apply the authorization key in either the mobile or web app. Trainees who have existing Time2Track accounts can add and manage their authorization keys in the web app only.
Trainee paid subscription sign up
Programs that require trainees to pay for their own Time2Track subscription will simply direct students to purchase a subscription on the Time2Track website. Trainees can only purchase a subscription in the web app.
Once you've finished setting up your institution's Time2Track account, you're ready to send signup information to trainees. The following information should be included in the instructions you send to trainees:
A link to the trainee quick start guide.
The trainee quick start guide provides step-by-step instructions for account and placement setup. Be sure to review this guide before sharing it with trainees.
Authorization key (if applicable).
If you've paid for trainee subscriptions, you need to share your authorization key with trainees. To find your authorization key, click Accounts, then Authorization Key. If you require your trainees to pay for their own subscriptions, you will not use an authorization key.
The official name listed on your Time2Track account.
Providing trainees with the exact name of your Time2Track account ensures they select the correct school when they set up their user profile. To confirm your account name, click Settings and view the name that appears under Your School.
Key deadlines.
Communicating deadlines for things like account and placement creation can help improve the process.
Additional information and expectations.
Communicating additional details such as expectations for logging and submitting activities, details about completing forms or evaluations, or other department-specific details can also help with a smooth transition.
Template Subject Line: Time2Track Setup Instructions
This email contains the key information you need to set up your Time2Track account. You'll be using Time2Track to manage all your practicum hours and activities. Read this email carefully and save it for future reference.
You are responsible for setting up your Time2Track account. Please use the Quick Start Guide to set up your account by [insert date]. If you are an existing Time2Track user, make sure you follow those instructions and change your account type to a group account. You'll need the following information to complete the setup process:
If you have difficulty setting up your account or have questions, please feel free to contact Time2Track Customer Service and they will assist you.
(Gold and Platinum Plans)
Once your trainees have created their Time2Track accounts and set up their placements, we encourage you to confirm the accuracy of these placements. Placements are the backbone of the Time2Track system; incorrect placements can affect activity approvals, as well as forms and evaluations. Use these strategies to verify placement accuracy: