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Create and Edit Forms and Evaluations

This page applies to Time2Track institutional administrators.

Create a Form

When creating forms, note that the top part of the form automatically populates with the basic information from a trainee's placement, such as the school name, training site location, term, etc. You do not need to create questions asking for this placement data again in the form. Your updates also automatically save, and you can return any time to make edits.

  1. Click Forms.
  2. Click Documents.
  3. Click Add a Document.
  4. Enter a document name.
  5. Enter a description, if needed. Note that only you can see the description; recipients cannot view this information.
  6. In the bottom center, select the workflow of the form that best fits your needs from the Student to IA drop-down. Time2Track automatically sends the form to the next recipient based on your selection (e.g., Student to Supervisor to IA).
  7. In the top part of the form, hover your cursor under Supervisor and click the plus icon.
  8. Click H to add a section or heading.
  9. Enter a heading name.
  10. Select which recipient completes this section from the drop-down.
  11. Enter a section description, if needed.
  12. Hover your cursor under each section heading and click the plus icon.
  13. Click the icon for the type of field you want to enter.
    • H icon: add an additional heading.
    • A icon: create an open-ended, single-line text response.
    • Paragraph icon: create an open-ended, paragraph response.
    • Bolded list icon: create a multiple-choice question with more than one answer selected.
    • List icon: create a multiple-choice question with only one answer selected.
    • Down arrow icon: create a multiple-choice question formatted as a drop-down.
    • Pencil icon: create a signature field. The recipient can sign the form using their keyboard on a desktop or a stylus or their finger on a touch screen device. Note that an Elvis Presley signature appears as a placeholder when building the form; once the form is distributed, the signature field will be blank.
  14. Enter your question. Select if a default value is automatically entered from the Default Value drop-down. Note that the recipients can change the default value.
  15. Select if this question is required. Recipients cannot submit the form until this question is answered. All required questions have a red asterisk once the form is distributed.
  16. Continue adding sections and questions, as needed.
    • If you create multiple-choice questions, you can copy the answers from another multiple-choice question. Your new multiple-choice question must be directly underneath the multiple-choice question you want to copy the answers from; use the Sorting feature to move questions around, if necessary. Once you are ready to copy answers, hover your cursor to the right of the Required field and click the blue copy icon.
  17. Your updates automatically save.

Activate a Form

You can activate your form in two ways once you are ready to share it with your trainees, supervisors, and faculty members.

Activate a Form under Versions

  1. Click Forms.
  2. Click Documents.
  3. Click the form name.
  4. Select Active for the form version. Any older versions of the form are automatically deactivated.

Activate within a Form

  1. Click Forms.
  2. Click Documents.
  3. Click the form name.
  4. Click the form name within the Versions page.
  5. In the bottom right, click the eye icon, then click Activate.

Edit a Form

You cannot edit a form once it is activated; be sure to deactivate it before making changes. If a form has been sent through its workflow, you cannot edit that version of the form; instead, you must create a new version and make edits in the new version. All versions of your forms are located under the Forms tab, Documents section. Note that the new version saves in the same location as the original form.

  1. Click Forms.
  2. Click Documents.
  3. Click the form name.
  4. Click the blue copy icon.
  5. Click Create New Version to create a new version of the form.
  6. Click the new version of the form's name.
  7. Update any fields, as necessary, including the form name.
  8. To reorder sections, click and drag the header name in the left column.
  9. To reorder questions, select Sorting to the right of the section's recipient drop-down. Click and drag the questions under the header.
  10. To reorder answer values, hover your cursor to the right of the Required field and select Sorting. Click and drag the answer values under the question.
  11. To delete answer values, hover your cursor to the right of the answer value and click and hold Delete.
  12. To delete questions, hover your cursor to the right of the Required field and click and hold the trash icon.
  13. To delete sections, the section cannot have any questions listed. Once all questions are removed, click and hold the trash icon to the right of the recipient drop-down.
  14. Your updates automatically save. Click Versions in the left column to return to your form versions.

Use a Form as a Template

You can use existing forms as templates for new forms. The new form appears as a separate entry under the Documents section.

  1. Click Forms.
  2. Click Documents.
  3. Click the form name.
  4. Click the blue copy icon.
  5. Click Create New Document to copy it and create a new form. You will be redirected to the new form and can make edits, including updating the name, within the form.

To update the new form's name in the Documents section:

  1. Click Forms.
  2. Click Documents.
  3. Click the form name.
  4. Click Edit and update the form name.

Deactivate a Form

If your forms are linked to courses, you must first remove the form from the course before you can deactivate the form. You can deactivate your form in two ways:

Deactivate a Form under Versions

  1. Click Forms.
  2. Click Documents.
  3. Click the form name.
  4. Select Active for the form version.

Deactivate within a Form

  1. Click Forms.
  2. Click Documents.
  3. Click the form name.
  4. Click the form name within the Versions page.
  5. In the bottom right, click the eye icon, then click Deactivate.

Delete a Form

Deleting a form cannot be undone.

  1. Click Forms.
  2. Click Documents.
  3. Click the form name.
  4. Click the form name within the Versions page.
  5. In the bottom right, click the trash icon, then click Delete.


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