Troubleshooting Summary of Practicum Experiences
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This page applies to AAPI applicants.
If you're currently a Time2Track user and are completing your AAPI application, you may find that your hour totals in your AAPI Summary of Practicum Experiences don’t reflect what you believe them to be. If you find yourself in this situation, here are some things to double-check:
- Check the level of your activities. Only Masters- and Doctoral-level activities are included in the AAPI Summary of Practicum Experiences. To find activities logged with other levels, use the Activities List view filters.
- Check the status of your activities. Unconfirmed, confirmed, and scheduled activities up to October 1 are included in the AAPI Summary of Practicum Experiences. Note that the AAPI View report includes activities to the current date; you can use the status and date range filters to find activities before October 1.
- Check the clients attached to your activities. Intervention and assessment activities without a client are not included in some of the AAPI Summary of Practicum Experiences sections. You can use the Activities List view to filter by activity type, then click the Type/Client header to sort the list. Activities that do not have a client will appear at the top of the list (you may need to click the header twice to sort the list accordingly).
- Check that your assessment instruments are connected to your activities. The assessment instrument information will only appear in Time2Track if you attached the assessment information to an activity. You can review or edit this information by using the Activities List view filters.
- Check the age range of your group clients. If there are discrepancies with Group activities, check your Groups in the Clients tab to ensure each group has an “age” associated with it or individual clients added to the group.
- Check the status of your Summary of Doctoral Training. If sections in your Summary of Practicum Experiences section show a lock icon beside them, that means you have submitted your Summary of Doctoral Training to your DCT for approval. Your DCT is reviewing your information, so any changes you make to the Practicum Hours screen or to activities in Time2Track will not be reflected in the locked sections. If your DCT sends your Summary of Doctoral Training back to you to request changes, these sections become unlocked and any changes you make to the Practicum Hours screen or to activities in Time2Track will then be reflected.