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Preparing for the AAPI Integration

This page applies to AAPI applicants.


It’s important to log activities as accurately as possible, especially if you plan on applying for an APPIC internship. We recommend that you periodically check your activities to ensure your activities and hours will accurately show in the application.

What do I check?

Why should I check this?

How do I check this?

How do I fix this, if necessary?

All activities are logged with a Masters or Doctoral Level.

Only Masters- and Doctoral-level activities are included in AAPI totals.

  1. Click Activities.
  2. Click List.
  3. Use the Advanced Filters.
  4. Click Level and select a level other than Masters / Doctoral (including none).
  5. Click Filter.
  6. Repeat for every level in the drop-down.
  7. If there are activities without a Masters or Doctoral level, you'll need to edit these activities.

Review the Edit Activity Level article.

All activities have a status of confirmed or scheduled.

Only confirmed and scheduled activities up to October 1 of the application year are included in AAPI totals.

  1. Click Activities.
  2. Click List.
  3. Ensure only Unconfirmed is selected in the status options.

Review the Confirm Activities article to update any unconfirmed activities.

Clients are attached to all activities that require one.

AAPI requires a breakdown of the following intervention activities by age: individual therapy, career counseling, and group counseling. Hours logged without a client for these activities will not be included in AAPI totals.

We recommend that you add clients to activities where appropriate to ensure all client numbers and demographic totals are accurately reflected in the AAPI.

Review the Identify Activities Missing Client Data article.

Review the Add Clients to Previously Logged Activities article.

Confirm age range of your group, family, or couple clients.

Age ranges for group, family, or couple clients are based on either the drop-down you select or the individual client's ages that make up the group, family, or couple client. If no age range is selected, the default is Adults (18-64).

  1. Click Clients.
  2. Use the Filter Client box on the far right and select Group, Couple, or Families.
  3. Use the Age column to review the age associated with each category.
  1. Click Clients.
  2. Use the Filter Client box on the far right and select Group, Couple, or Families.
  3. Click the Code column to open the client.
  4. Edit the age.
  5. Click Save.


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