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Best Practices for Professional and Postgraduate Hours

This page applies to Time2Track trainees.

If you used Time2Track to track your experiences as a student, and have graduated and are now working as a professional, postgraduate, or in an internship, you can still record your new experiences but you will want to use several features to best manage these new hours. Be sure to review our blog on best practices in tracking your hours after graduation.

Best Practices with Your Account

Once you start recording your new experiences, first update your profile to reflect your new role. Click Settings, then Profile. Once you've finished making changes, click Save.

Account Type

If you're not using Time2Track to track activities for a school or academic program, you must update your account type to reflect your new goals. From your profile, click Change Account Type and answer the questions to guide you through your new configuration; there are a variety of fields of study, application, and licensure tracking options. The selection you choose affects the activity types available to you. If your site, application, field of study, or state licensure is not listed, select the closest option. If you want to request a new configuration, complete the Request for New Time2Track Configuration form. If an activity type is not available for you, you can create custom activity types.

Best Practices with Activities

Confirm that your new level is selected when creating activities. Time2Track remembers your selection as you record additional activities in the future. Additionally, if your program doesn't use Online Approval, confirm that your new site's custom treatment setting is selected.

Best Practices with Submitting Hours for Approval

Online Approval

If your new site is configured for Online Approval, you must change your school in your profile. You can then create placements for this site and add the placement to your activities.

Paper Approval

If your new site is not configured for Online Approval, you can configure custom treatment settings to record your new site and supervisor. You must print the Activity Summary report and give it to your supervisor to sign. You can filter your activities by treatment settings in the report, so you can pull only your new site hours.

Best Practices with Reports

Reports default to the level in your profile; confirm that your level has been updated there. You can also filter your reports by treatment setting and dates. If needed, you can pull summary data based on your new site work and level.


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