Log Your Activities
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This page applies to Time2Track trainees.
You can use the Activities section to log your experiences. You can track many details about your experiences, including information about the clients and assessments. Time2Track automatically populates some of the fields based on your previous activity entries, though you can change all fields at any time.
The Activities section has two views: Calendar and List.
Calendar View
In the left section, any activities recorded for the date selected are listed, along with the total hours for that day. On the right, you can select a monthly calendar view or a weekly agenda view, along with the total hours for that month or week. Click the arrow icons to toggle to additional months and weeks, or click Today to jump to the current date.
Recorded activities have designated icons to identify their status:
- Confirmed (solid circle with a checkmark): you have completed the activities for this day but the activities haven't been approved yet.
- Unconfirmed (circle outline with a checkmark: you have scheduled activities for this day but you haven't marked them as completed yet (typically for backlogged, recurring activities).
- Scheduled (arrows in a circle): you have scheduled activities for this day that haven't occurred yet (typically for recurring activities on future dates).
List View
You can use advanced filtering features in the List view, as well as perform bulk updates.
Add an Activity
- Click Activities.
- Click Add a New Activity.
- Depending on your account's configuration, you may see the Level field. If so, confirm your level, which is automatically populated based on your placement (if using Online Approval or Forms and Evaluations) or your profile.
- Select the date your activity occurred.
- If using Online Approval or Forms and Evaluations, select your placement and supervisor. You can also create a new placement by clicking Add a Placement. If you have more than one supervisor at your placement, select the appropriate supervisor from the drop-down list.
- Select your treatment setting. Any custom treatment settings are listed under My Treatment Settings.
- Select your activity type. Any custom activity types are listed under the standard activity type they are linked to.
- Select your client or click Add a Client to create a new client.
- Enter your hours. If you select Hours, enter your hours in decimal format (e.g., 15 minutes is 0.25, 30 minutes is 0.5, etc.) or analog format (e.g., 1:30 is one and a half hours). If you select Time, enter the start and end times, including AM and PM.
- Select or enter tags.
- Under Notes, enter additional information for your supervisors and faculty advisors. Do not include identifying personal information, such as names, birthdays, social security numbers, etc.
- Under Assessments, type and select any assessments you administered during the activity or create your own by entering a unique assessment name. Click Add Another Assessment for additional assessments. Enter the number of assessments you performed for each type:
- Administered: assessments you administered and scored in a clinical situation with a client or patient.
- Report: assessments you administered and wrote a report for, integrating data from each measure.
- Research: assessments you administered as part of a research project.
- Under Schedule as Recurring, select how often this activity occurred or will occur. Enter an end date as well.
- Click Add or Add & Enter Another to add additional activities.
Add a Recurring Activity
You can add recurring activities that occur on a regular schedule and have the same activity details. You only need to enter the activity once and Time2Track automatically adds the activities for future dates based on the schedule you set. To add a recurring activity, follow the steps above under Add an Activity. Be sure to select the first date your activity occurred. This is especially important if you are backlogging hours.
Depending on the date range of the activity, your recurring activities will be set as:
- Scheduled: activities set for a future date.
- Unconfirmed: activities set for the current or past dates. This typically appears for backlogged hours, where the scheduled date has already passed.
If you have unconfirmed activity hours, they will not be included in your hour or activity totals until they have been Confirmed.
Edit an Activity
Once you create an activity, you can return to make edits. You can do this both individually and in a batch, depending on the changes you need to make. These steps apply for both single-occurrence and recurring activities. Note the following:
- If you're using Online Approval and your activities have already been approved, you must resubmit them for approval after making edits.
- Depending on your Time2Track configuration, some of the following editing options may not apply.
Edit Individual Activities
- Click Activities.
- Under the Type column, click the activity name.
- Update the activity details.
- Click Save.
Edit Activities in Batch
You can update up to 25 activities in a batch each time. If you have more than 25 activities, note that your changes are limited to the activities displayed on each page.
You can only make batch edits for activities with matching information in the category that's being updated. For example, suppose you have activities with treatment settings A, B, and C, but you want to change them all to treatment setting D. In that case, you must select all activities with treatment setting A and change them to D, then select all activities with treatment setting B and change them to D, etc. You can't select A, B, and C all at once and change them to D.
Edit the Activity Treatment Setting, Term, or Activity type
- Click Activities.
- Click List.
- If necessary, click Advanced Filters to narrow your results, then click Filter.
- Click the checkboxes for the activities you want to update in a batch. Click the checkbox next to Status to select all activities.
- Under the Choose bulk action... drop-down, select change treatment setting, change term, or change type. Note that to change type, they activities must have the same level.
- Select the new change from the drop-downs.
- Click Update.
Edit the Activity Level
Edit the Activity Level for Activities Not Attached to Placements
Activity levels can only be edited when they're not attached to placements.
- Click Activities.
- Click List.
- If necessary, click Advanced Filters to identify the activities that need to be edited, then click Filter.
- Click the checkboxes for the activities you want to update in a batch. Click the checkbox next to Status to select all activities. To edit in bulk, all activities must have the same level.
- Under the Choose bulk action... drop-down, select change level.
- Select the correct level for the activities.
- Click Update.
- If needed, update the activity type from the new list.
- If the activities need to be attached to placements, you can create placements01 Configure Your Placements#Create_Placements and/or add the activities to placements, as needed.
Edit the Activity Level for Activities That Are Attached to Placements
Because activity levels are determined by placements, there are several steps to update the level for activities attached to placements:
- Remove existing placements from activities.
- Click Activities.
- Click List.
- If necessary, click Advanced Filters to identify the activities that need to be edited, then click Filter.
- Click the checkboxes for the activities you want to update in a batch. Click the checkbox next to Status to select all activities. To edit in bulk, all activities must have the same level.
- Under the Choose bulk action... drop-down, select clear placement and supervisor.
- Edit the activity level using the instructions above.
- If needed:
- Update the activity type.
- Create placements with new level.
- Add activities to placements.
- Submit activities for approval.
Identify Activities Missing Client Data
If you want to identify activities that were logged without client data, you can use the Activity Details Report or the Activities List View to identify activities without a client. You can complete the following for each individual activity type:
- Click Reports and select Activity Details, or click Activities and then List.
- Click Advanced Filters.
- Select your desired activity type(s) from the Type drop-down.
- Click Filter.
- Click the Type/Client column header to sort the list as desired. Activities that do not have a client are grouped together.
Future AAPI applicants: if you see unknown age listed under Individual Therapy, Career Counseling, or Group Counseling in the AAPI View report, this indicates the number of hours associated with activities that do not have a client.
Add Clients to Previously Logged Activities
If you identify activities with a client and need to add this information, you can easily update each activity individually and add the appropriate client. Note editing any activity that was previously approved by a supervisor in Time2Track will change the approval status to unsubmitted and you will need to resubmit the activity for approval once the edit has been made.
- Click Reports.
- Click Activity Details Report.
- Use the Advanced filters to identify the activities you want to change.
- Click the date to open all activities logged on that date.
- Click the activity type to open the activity.
- Add the client to the client field from the drop-down or click Add a Client to add a new client.
- Click Save.
Delete an Activity
If necessary, you can delete activities individually and in a batch. Note that you cannot undo this action. These steps apply for both single-occurrence and recurring activities.
If your Time2Track configuration has levels and you need to record activities for another level of training (e.g., Internship or Postgraduate), don't delete your existing activities. Instead, add new or edit existing activities and select the new level.
Delete Activities Individually
- Click Activities.
- Click the trash icon.
- Click Delete this activity.
Delete Activities in Batch
You can delete up to 25 activities in a batch each time. If you have more than 25 activities, note that your changes are limited to the activities displayed on each page.
- Click Activities.
- Click List.
- If necessary, click Advanced Filters to narrow your results, then click Filter.
- Click the checkboxes for the activities you want to delete in batch. You can also click the checkbox next to Status to select all activities.
- Under the Choose bulk action... drop-down, select Delete.
- Click Yes, Delete.
Delete Future Occurrences of Recurring Activities
If you create a recurring activity, you can remove future occurrences. Note that you cannot undo this action.
- Click Activities.
- Locate the activity's scheduled date(s) of occurrence in the calendar.
- Click the trash icon.
- Click Delete this activity to delete that specific date or Delete this and all future activities to delete that specific date and all future scheduled dates of occurrence.
Confirm a Recurring Activity
If you backlogged recurring activities or scheduled activities that have already occurred, you can confirm the occurrences so that all instances of the activity are recorded. This can be done individually and in batch. You must confirm each occurrence of an activity before you can submit it for approval (if using Online Approval).
Confirm Activities Individually
If you don't need to make any changes to your existing activities and want to confirm them, follow these steps:
- Click Activities.
- Locate the activity's scheduled date(s) of occurrence in the calendar.
- Click the check icon.
If you want to make changes to your existing activities before you confirm them, follow these steps:
- Click Activities.
- Click List.
- Select Unconfirmed from the Status filter.
- If necessary, click Advanced Filters to further narrow your results, then click Filter.
- Under the Type / Client column, click the activity's name.
- Make changes, as needed.
- Click Confirm.
Confirm Activities in Batch
You can update up to 25 activities in a batch each time. If you have more than 25 activities, note that your changes are limited to the activities displayed on each page.
- Click Activities.
- Click List.
- Select Unconfirmed from the Status filter.
- If necessary, click Advanced Filters to further narrow your results, then click Filter.
- Click the checkboxes for the activities you want to confirm in batch. You can also click the checkbox next to Status to select all activities.
- Under the Choose bulk action... drop-down, select Confirm.
- Click Yes, Confirm.
Once you finish confirming your activities, click Clear to remove any filters.